Track your eggs easily

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What part of 'RETIRED' don't you understand?
Retired Staff
I was trying to finish finding the rest of the eggs today, and got frustrated that I had forgotten which levels I had found eggs in. So I wrote a little thingy for 1.09.3 and decided to backport it to 1.09.2. This will tell you at the beginning of the level how many more eggs you have left to find in that level.

It's totally backwards/netplay compatible with the original 1.09.2, so you may as well just overwrite.
No, the only difference between this and 1.09.2 is that it gives you the eggs message.
SA2 or Sonic CD

hmmm seems very useful unluckly i cant even use my pc oh well egg hunt next year :(
*im at school*

this is nice, i'll test this when i get home :mrgreen:

you should make the eggs like a emerald hunt game *shot*
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