Toddler girl kills self with .308; Parents readily blame Wiimote.

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Chaos Knux

Daww, a mother and her foal
GT Koopa on Retro said:

A three year old Tennessee toddler mistook a loaded gun for a Wii controller and killed herself. reported that the girl shot herself in the abdomen allegedly after mistaking a semi-automatic handgun for a Wii remote.


The girls stepfather had left the .308 calibre weapon loaded on a table in the living room, where the toddler picked it up and shot herself. She was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead later that night. The police are not treating it as suspicious.

The stepfather (who owned the gun) claimed he was asleep at the time, but that the girl's mother was in the room with her. The mother told authorities that the girl may have believed the handgun was a Wii controller resembling a gun. The stepfather claims that his family had been disturbed by a prowler earlier that night, and that was why the gun was out and loaded.

Guess what the story is labeled as all over the news.
Thread on subject on Sonic Retro (Requires membership to view due to Member's Lounge location.)
God fucking dammit. Minions of Jack Thompson resurface yet again. Last I checked, .308s consistently appear as thus:

While the Wii's guns look as such.

Please no "LOLOLO DUMDUM DEZRVD IT" posts.
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This is why I don't like the idea of the Wii using controllers in the shape of real guns. and what's worse is that the mother didn't tell her daughter that the gun wasn't a Wii remote and that she shouldn't touch it.

Jesus fucking CHRIST! Anyone who falls for this scapegoating is brain dead. A father left a gun where his daughter could get a hold of it, while the mother didn't do a god damn thing! This has nothing to do with the Wii!

Here's hoping that "prowler" comes back and puts a bullet in both their fucking brains.

On a side note, that pun is absolutely terrible. Switch the topic name to the headline.
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A father left a gun where his daughter could get a hold of it, while the mother didn't do a god damn thing! This has nothing to do with the Wii!

This, Honestly I get sick of parents blaming violence on video games just because they're too insolent to just keep dangerous things away from children...I mean seriously, the remote was WHITE the gun was BLACK what is more ignorant is that the mom knew it was a real gun and didn't do squat about it...

edit: ninja'd
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Bigboi, I'll give you that one for the gun in the middle left of this rack.

But I'm not entirely sure it has been reported that that particular model is the one being blamed. Personally, if I was a big enough dipshit to perform this form of fuckuppery I'd blame Nerf before the fucking Wii!
Okay, seriously, who the fuck leaves a loaded gun on a table in reach of a three year old?!

I simply do not understand people these days but damn stupidity reaches levels of which proporties are completely incomprehensible!

Oh, and that crap about ''it wasn't us it was the wii'' is just so terribly sad that I can't help but give it a Wall Banger.
I guess I'll be the devil's advocate here.

These Wii guns do look way too much like real guns for my tastes. The fact that harmless and inconsequential playthings closely resemble lethal weapons trivializes the very dangerous nature of guns. This is especially true of young children, who are more likely not to know the difference between between a Wii light zapper (or any such similar device) and a real gun.

And I don't get why there's still a demand for such attachments when the Wii remote already accomplishes what they do and is a lot less cumbersome. Although it leaves the issue of violent content in shooter games unresolved, hopefully the un-gun-like shape of the Wii remote will discourage the connection between it and real guns in the minds of little kids. Of course, nothing helps as much as explicitly explaining to your children why guns aren't playthings.

That said though, I do agree with the rest of you that the parents are ultimately to blame in this case and should be punished as such. If you're not going to take care to put your weapons out of the reach of your kids, couldn't you at least invest in a secure gun lock?
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It's the Wii. Everyone's going to try to peddle their accessories for it.

That said, playing House of the Dead without my Nyko Perfect Shot just isn't the same.
Wombat - Like Bigboi said, try playing light gun ARCADE shooters with the Wiimote.
God.. it is terrible.

Then you get a Nyko attachment is plays so much better.
Please, elaborate on how a 3 year old killing herself because of her parents own ignorance is anything close to funny.

I believe he means the funny thing is how the parents are trying to scapegoat the Wii and obviously nobody is going to buy their bullshit story.

The sadness is obvious.
What Cue said. :p
I'm not going to laugh at death... that is just cruel.

Hope the parents go to jail.. at least the mom. You don't leave guns in range of children.
Actually, I found the fact that they blamed it on the Wii sad too. It was so ignorant and such a horrible excuse, it shows how obvious it is that their parental skills are terrible, and that they can't accept the fact that it's their fault in the first place for leaving a loaded gun within the reach of a toddler.
I actually saw this story front-paged on a different site and to be honest, I thought it was hilarious at first, if only because I couldn't conceive how a firearm could be mistaken for a remote control... but then they mentioned the gun shell peripheral, and I srs'd. =\

Either way, leaving a fucking loaded gun out in the open where a child can reach it, instead of, you know, keeping it in a drawer or a gun cabinet like any non-retarded person would do, that's just asking for trouble, and it's nobody's fault but their own if someone gets seriously injured or worse as a result. It's understandable that a three year old might not be able to tell the difference between a toy and the real deal, I'll give them that much, but for fuck's sake you have to wonder why the two were close enough together to draw the comparison in the first place.

Incidentally, I'd like to take this opportunity to mention the HotD Handcannon shell is fucking awesome:
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