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Little update for you...

I got an email this morning confirming that the transfer of to GoDaddy has been completed. As soon as I get in contact with my server admin again I shall tell him this and we will then be able to sort out the new IP for all my stuff. Yeah, this means the MS will be online soon.
Nice one Cue, keep up the good work. I'll be looking forward to the new server when it comes here.
The master Server...

The Master Server appears to be blocking SRB2, but allowing Internet Explorer. Wierd.

Meh. It's down for SRB2, though. People cannot netgame. Who cares? As long as it comes back up, i'm happy.
It's down! And you didn't answer me! Can we post our IPs?

It has been proven that the word And is allowed to start a sentence.

I so want the MS to come back up!
Guys, It's maybe pretty annoying that The MS is "dancing" on our Noses and teasing us with going up and down but, saying "Zomg, I want the MS backzoooorz!!1!" Won't help at all.
It maybe even makes it slower because Cue could start to rush and make Mistakes. So please, I miss Netgaming too, but I don't bother him because of it.
He has more trouble then you all think, so show Patience and a Heart and give him a little bit Time to breath.

Thanks for your Attention.
EDIT: Ignore that. I know the MS is down! But if we give eachother IPs by PMs, then we wouldn't have much of a problem, now would we? So, listen to me peoples! There is still hope!
light the elementa said:
EDIT: Ignore that. I know the MS is down! But if we give eachother IPs by PMs, then we wouldn't have much of a problem, now would we? So, listen to me peoples! There is still hope!

I'm going to get pretty lonely, as I doubt anybody will want to PM me their IP so I can join their server...
Light, No offense but, there's an Option called to "PM somebody". Use that to ask Anybody for his/her Ip because to ask that here is KINDA Off Topic.
Please bother Someone else, or even make your OWN Topic with asking for IP's.
Oh well, Just trying to help you Light. And Good luck Cue, since you seem to have really Trouble. =/
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