Times video game glitches have saved you.

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Video game glitches can be annoying, but sometimes, they can prevent a game over. In this topic, you can name these times.
Uh, Kuja? Can you tell us who don't know what we're looking at... what we're looking at?

I was playing Megamix, and I got stuck in a wall underwater in Misty Maze 3. The drowning music kept playing, but the countdown stopped. I tried a Shadow Boost for the lulz and ended up at the top of the Boss fight shaft. O.o Haven't been able to recreate since.
You know, if you're really awesome, you don't just hope a glitch happens to save you. You make it happen to save you.
Only with skill should you be able to rely on luck.

Which is why Mario Kart Wii sucks, because it totally disregards this idea.
Chaos Knux said:
Uh, Kuja? Can you tell us who don't know what we're looking at... what we're looking at?
That's the final boss of Subterranean Animism. The little red dot with the snowflake pattern around it near the bottom of the screen is his character, obscured by the gigantic bullets on the screen, and the red dot is his hitbox. The gigantic red circles are bullets. Since he's inside the bullet, ordinarily he'd be dead.

That's not really a glitch, though. Most large projectiles in Touhou have a smaller hitbox than their graphic.
Mystic said:
Chaos Knux said:
Uh, Kuja? Can you tell us who don't know what we're looking at... what we're looking at?
That's the final boss of Subterranean Animism. The little red dot with the snowflake pattern around it near the bottom of the screen is his character, obscured by the gigantic bullets on the screen, and the red dot is his hitbox. The gigantic red circles are bullets. Since he's inside the bullet, ordinarily he'd be dead.

That's not really a glitch, though. Most large projectiles in Touhou have a smaller hitbox than their graphic.

Except that in every other spell, the sprite of the giant bullets are highly representative of their hitbox. It's only during that one that you get so much lee-way.
In Knights of the Old Republic 2, I was playing through the forest-gone-Sith-hideout level (forgot the planet name) and Handmaiden was the only one left, but the thing is, she would never die.
Playing Mega Man 1.

I was in Fire Man's stage, where the flying fire enemies started appearing for the first time in the stage. There's an area that looks like a pit, but you can actually stand in it. Near this pit is where the fire enemies usually shoot up(they come in groups of 3 at a time), and so as I was dicking around in that pit, they spawned and I went flying... through the wall. I ended up landing on a platform on a screen one down and one right of me, and I guess that helped. I wasn't able to recreate the event, however.
Not sure if this counts, but I exploited several glitches in Pokemon Red and Blue that helped me. They enabled me to get unlimited rare items, capture Charmander and Bulbasaur in the wild, capture Mew, and capture Pinsir in the Red version, among other things.
Rob said:
You know, if you're really awesome, you don't just hope a glitch happens to save you. You make it happen to save you.

Thanks, I'm awesome.

In Megaman, if you pause the screen before you get hit a "glitch" happens so it doesn't kill you.
Another glitch is that pausing the screen when fighting the a boss really fast. Killing him without you breaking a part.
In Metal Gear Online 3, where a grenade blows up in front on my face, and I go out unharmed.
Fallout 3; low on ammo, supplies, health, and staring at a Deathclaw face to face.

Using my last reserves of ammo, in the form of several .32 rounds from a hunting rifle (A weak, bolt action gun that is damn useless up close - unfortunately, I was locked on top of a mountain. It followed me, guarded the only entrance. Any other way would have me falling to my death.), I fired.

Well, shit. Hardly anything.

I fired again.

Something unexpected happened.

It flew several (hundred) feet into the air. Then landed in front of me. And died from the fall.

Erm, yeah. What the bloody hell?

Some strange glitch that happens with the Deathclaws, apparently. Not too common (Only time I'd ever - and ever have - seen it). But damn, that was close. I saved ages ago.

Moral of this story?

Don't go here with few supplies:


And sure as hell don't go against one of these, in there, with anything less than an assault rifle with too many bullets:

Glitches have never worked in my favor. Except one time, playing some scooby-doo game. I saved the game near the beginning of the whole thing, and when I came back to play later, scooby-doo was in the room just before the last boss. All the token-things had been collected.
In halo 2 metropolis, enemies simply won't spawn if you know where to grenade hop.
Autosaver said:
In Megaman, if you pause the screen before you get hit a "glitch" happens so it doesn't kill you.
The mighty FluxMan glitch. Oh how many times have I used that. When you open the Weapon Selector in that game, I think Megaman had to go back to the Light Lab and switch guns. (LOLZ LOGIX) Basically, Megaman is in his teleport-land sequence and invincible for a split second. Rapid-Fire open/close of the Weapon Selector will make the game slow-mo through frame by frame until the shot/enemy is no longer in your hitbox.

Another glitch is that pausing the screen when fighting a boss really fast. Killing him without you breaking apart.
Elec Beam vs Yellow Devil, good times. This one has no logical explanation for it's existence.
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