Video game glitches can be annoying, but sometimes, they can prevent a game over. In this topic, you can name these times.
That's the final boss of Subterranean Animism. The little red dot with the snowflake pattern around it near the bottom of the screen is his character, obscured by the gigantic bullets on the screen, and the red dot is his hitbox. The gigantic red circles are bullets. Since he's inside the bullet, ordinarily he'd be dead.Chaos Knux said:Uh, Kuja? Can you tell us who don't know what we're looking at... what we're looking at?
Mystic said:That's the final boss of Subterranean Animism. The little red dot with the snowflake pattern around it near the bottom of the screen is his character, obscured by the gigantic bullets on the screen, and the red dot is his hitbox. The gigantic red circles are bullets. Since he's inside the bullet, ordinarily he'd be dead.Chaos Knux said:Uh, Kuja? Can you tell us who don't know what we're looking at... what we're looking at?
That's not really a glitch, though. Most large projectiles in Touhou have a smaller hitbox than their graphic.
Rob said:You know, if you're really awesome, you don't just hope a glitch happens to save you. You make it happen to save you.
The mighty FluxMan glitch. Oh how many times have I used that. When you open the Weapon Selector in that game, I think Megaman had to go back to the Light Lab and switch guns. (LOLZ LOGIX) Basically, Megaman is in his teleport-land sequence and invincible for a split second. Rapid-Fire open/close of the Weapon Selector will make the game slow-mo through frame by frame until the shot/enemy is no longer in your hitbox.Autosaver said:In Megaman, if you pause the screen before you get hit a "glitch" happens so it doesn't kill you.
Elec Beam vs Yellow Devil, good times. This one has no logical explanation for it's existence.Another glitch is that pausing the screen when fighting a boss really fast. Killing him without you breaking apart.