This place is not gay!

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The man with no plan.
This topic was part of the April Fools 2008 joke on the SRB2 forums. Read at your own risk ^_~

Well as you the reader knows there is a time where people "trick" in the year. Well if you know that day is tomorrow (For some it's today). So the SRB2 MB pulls a prank. so if you think the place is gay it's just AFD SRB2MB style.
Like that time when we had nazi stuff all over the message board.

except that some people took it seriously
afd? whaat?!

tee hee, i dont think so, i meen, look around! doesnt it look very real to u?
FoxBlitzz said:
afd? whaat?!

tee hee, i dont think so, i meen, look around! doesnt it look very real to u?

Seriously! This place has been based off of RUB2 for years! It never changed from it's cute pink scenery that I fell in love with so.
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