OMG I just hate the crosshair just aiming at you. That aiming system should have some time of delay, to accompany the delay, an explosion in one of the sides of the player should be enough, it's injust, you have less than 2 seconds to run into a barrel to cover up, you gotta think fast but it's almost impossible. The rest of the boss is a piece of cake |:), but when that bomb f**cks you out of the battle circle just because you failed to cover up for just 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 miliseconds is really injust.
Should be doable; var1 of A_VileAttack hasn't been split into two variables yet...I wish a rail ring trail was spawned when the attack goes off, as well. hehe. :3
For the record, I just spent a few hours last night adding in a dotted line from the targeting reticule to Brak when he's charging the attack, just to hammer in the "line of sight" aspect a little harder. If we have to push out a 2.1.7, it'll probably show up there.
I bet if I upload the full recording of this, you'd think differently. Yes, I know some were my fault. Hell, half of the cut footage was me fucking up. I just cut down to the point where it wouldn't be boring (because the original recording was 6 minutes), and down to the point where I know that it was bullshit.
First off, half of the deaths consist of me getting shot by that lock-on attack. That shit is impossible to signify when it'll come up and to avoid it is even more of a close call. That's classic Nintendo bullshit. Tails is not fast enough to dodge the lock-on attacks. The only way I could have been able to escape it is if I was near one of those blocking walls, but how the fuck are you suppose to know WHEN he signifies that he's going to do a lock-on attack? That's one of the major problems of this fucking game, there's no clear pattern or clear warnings, you have to pay close attention to it, even though you have a barrage of shit trying to destroy you. What I'm trying to say is that if it's not one, it's the other.
Stop strafing. Seriously I don't see why people do it outside of match. It is stupid beyond belief. If what is killing you is the bullets that push you back, as I said earlier, when you attack him, he counter attacks. Use this to your advantage.Secondly, Near the end of the fight, the walls break down, making the fight totally impossible to win. The strafe can only do so much before half of the time it becomes a nuisance considering those fucking bombs engulfs half of the board, making me accidentally strafing into them more than necessary.
All he does is follow you and occasionally attacks. I honestly don't see how you miss him, he's that big.Finally, the robot just moves in a spastic pattern. It's semi-following you, but half of the time when I'm trying to attack it, I swear I'm pixel perfect to the hit detection and half of the time the mother fucker doesn't get affected by it. That happened to me in the uncut recording so many times.
You have to be joking. Using strafe keys is the single most powerful tool for dodging projectiles in this game. They let you move in one direction while facing another direction to watch your target's actions. "Don't strafe" is hysterically bad advice.Stop strafing. Seriously I don't see why people do it outside of match. It is stupid beyond belief. If what is killing you is the bullets that push you back, as I said earlier, when you attack him, he counter attacks. Use this to your advantage.