There is an order?

Before reading

1 This thread is translated into English with the translator so I try to make the translation more exact and precise if you see any errors, sorry Lately I have made some forums to answer some questions about sprites to work on a project (although they have not answered me because they do not understand me from the translator)

2 I am reading all the rules to follow on the board so if I wrote something or this forum is inappropriate now, tell me anyway when you see this I will surely have read them

I have seen the content of some addons without modifying them to see how they worked but what most catches my attention is that the sprites have a type of order in which they are placed and named what I want to know with all this is that you have to give it a specific name to a sprite and a specific order to make it work?

If you see this forum in Spanish, it is because right now I am making changes to it
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Since you used a translator, I feel that giving you the raw Spanish version would help you the most.
Translators are pretty bad.

Basically, yes.
What matters the most is the prefix, though. The game requires that sprites have a specific name in the format XXXXYyZz, where:
  • XXXX represents a name. It MUST have a length of 4 characters.
  • Yy represents a frame Y for a rotation y,
  • Zz represents a frame Z for a rotation z, however this one is optional and has the property where when the game has to display this rotation, the sprite will be mirrored horizontally.
Other than that, order doesn't generally matter, as long as the required sprites exist.
Basicamente, si.
Lo que mas importa es la parte del nombre. El juego requiere que los sprites posean un nombre especifico en el formato XXXXYyZz, donde:
  • XXXX representa un nombre. TIENE que tener un largo de 4 caracteres.
  • Yy representa un frame Y para una rotacion y,
  • Zz representa un frame Z para una rotacion z, pero este es opcional y posee la propiedad de que cuando el juego tenga que mostrar esta rotacion, el sprite se reflejara horizontalmente.
Pero aparte de eso, el orden en general no importa, siempre y cuando los sprites necesarios existan.

My translation between both languages isn't 1:1, mostly because of specific quirks in both languages, but... have at you.
Since you used a translator, I feel that giving you the raw Spanish version would help you the most.
Translators are pretty bad.

Basically, yes.
What matters the most is the prefix, though. The game requires that sprites have a specific name in the format XXXXYyZz, where:
  • XXXX represents a name. It MUST have a length of 4 characters.
  • Yy represents a frame Y for a rotation y,
  • Zz represents a frame Z for a rotation z, however this one is optional and has the property where when the game has to display this rotation, the sprite will be mirrored horizontally.
Other than that, order doesn't generally matter, as long as the required sprites exist.
Basicamente, si.
Lo que mas importa es la parte del nombre. El juego requiere que los sprites posean un nombre especifico en el formato XXXXYyZz, donde:
  • XXXX representa un nombre. TIENE que tener un largo de 4 caracteres.
  • Yy representa un frame Y para una rotacion y,
  • Zz representa un frame Z para una rotacion z, pero este es opcional y posee la propiedad de que cuando el juego tenga que mostrar esta rotacion, el sprite se reflejara horizontalmente.
Pero aparte de eso, el orden en general no importa, siempre y cuando los sprites necesarios existan.

My translation between both languages isn't 1:1, mostly because of specific quirks in both languages, but... have at you.
thx for the help

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