The SRB2 Workshop Situation just got worse

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But if you give people full permission to use your stuff, you can't get mad at them for using your mod.
nobody is contesting this part though.
when authors mark a thing as an open asset (or somehow give full permission to everyone), then it's free, do whatever you want with it.
you can get a little miffed because they're not crediting you, but it's not like it is required (this board requires you to credit the assets you've used if you want to release it here, but that's just a requeriment for release. doesn't look like something that would, or even could, get enforced outside it lol).

the problem is when the mod is not an open asset. that's the part that dragged like 40 pages of this
why dont we violently make out instead of yapoung
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  • IMG_2360.jpg
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nobody is contesting this part though.
when authors mark a thing as an open asset (or somehow give full permission to everyone), then it's free, do whatever you want with it.
you can get a little miffed because they're not crediting you, but it's not like it is required (this board requires you to credit the assets you've used if you want to release it here, but that's just a requeriment for release. doesn't look like something that would, or even could, get enforced outside it lol).

the problem is when the mod is not an open asset. that's the part that dragged like 40 pages of this
Yea, I said I understand that. But that's the stuff you need to think about before you post something here.
me personally (and also as an artist) i think all this artist protection thing is just way too confusing and unnecessary, like just give credits brah, if sega doesnt dmca us (while being able to do so if they wanted to) we should prob do the same, just enforce giving credits to the original creator and get rid of the reusability system entirely, would make things way simpler and better IMO
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anyways i just wanted to get my point out there and i dont feel like arguing rn so bye bye
seriously why can't you guys just be normal and just ask for credit?? literally every other modding community does this and it works fine
tl;dr: Portlegs aren't always bad. "Respect for the artist" means nothing when the artist (or someone given permission by them) does a bad job updating their work.
oh okay so the artist only matters if they're good at their job got it

is it really too hard to just dm the artist and ask them for permission to port their work like so many problems could be solved if people just did that
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Why do people only care about what's good? Can't they at least say someone tried if its that bad of a mod?
oh okay so the artist only matters if they're good at their job got it

is it really too hard to just dm the artist and ask them for permission to port their work like so many problems could be solved if people just did that
they didnt say that though, they meant as in the modder porting, not making mods
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bad job updating their work means porting it over to a newer version
people wont shut the fuck up about it so it just keeps happening
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