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The Ramp Project *update as of 7/5/06*

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Duke 3D was able to pull off slopes, but its engine is much different from Doom's so it would be hard to use. And apparently AJ says that Duke's source code isn't GPL.
Hey guys, I'm back. Not for long, though, so don't expect to see another reply for some time.... Anywho, I read your comments, and here's what I have to say:
The heights of the slopes at any given point rely on a basic knowledge of trig to work with. Anyone who wants to get things exact should get out a calculator and work from there; anyone who doesn't should just wing it. It would be nice if, say, moving the mouse over a sloped sector would show the height at that point (I'm referring to DoomBuilder), but I don't have time to reprogram that, and we can get to it later.
Yes, I know perfectly well that the graphics got really messed up. If you read one of my earlier posts, you should note that I had to debug two full weeks of work all at once, and I haven't fixed quite everything yet. Plus, I still don't really know how the graphics stuff work yet, so this one could take awhile. And no, I still haven't had any luck with software rendering, and I still plan on waiting to fix that until later. The problems I'm focusing on now (read: when I get time) are fixing the movements (spinning and climbing, stuff like that).
Hey, thanks for the input, and I'll try my best to update again soon.
FoxBlitzz said:
Duke 3D was able to pull off slopes, but its engine is much different from Doom's so it would be hard to use. And apparently AJ says that Duke's source code isn't GPL.

It isn't GPL.

In BUILDLIC.txt said:

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// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.

This text file "BUILDLIC.TXT" along with it.

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// This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release

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-Ken S. (official web site: http://www.advsys.net/ken)
Another update from Antiporcupine.

This one has slopes visually working (in OpenGL). One of the slopes are screwed up, I think it's probably bad nodesbuilding. Try running omgslopes2.wad through a few different versions of Zennode until it works properly.
This is great! now all this needs is a better code for walking up and down the slopes, and sides rendered and software mode visuals!
You disabled the slope making thing ;_; you can't make them in srb2 builder ;_;
nega-sonic said:
You disabled the slope making thing ;_; you can't make them in srb2 builder ;_;
What are you talking about? They work fine for me. Did you change the testing exe to mysrb2?
the srb2ex.cfg doesn't have the slopes thing. I cannot make slopes unless I use the OLD srb2ex.cfg besides that, THE SLOPES ARE GREAT! However, why do the slopes not haave sides? O_O
nega-sonic said:
the srb2ex.cfg doesn't have the slopes thing. I cannot make slopes unless I use the OLD srb2ex.cfg besides that, THE SLOPES ARE GREAT! However, why do the slopes not haave sides? O_O
If you've been reading, he said the sides aren't rendered yet.
Once they are renderred, we'll have 99% working SLOPES! YAY! (besides the movements of sonic going up them)
The work fine. They just only render one side, and only that in OGL mode. Though it's possible to make some nice looking slopes if you know what you're doing.
nega-sonic said:
Once they are renderred, we'll have 99% working SLOPES! YAY! (besides the movements of sonic going up them)
Hate to burst your bubble, but it'd be more like 30% working. The ramps still don't have realistic physics.. but we'll get there eventually. :P
also, going down on them is sort of buggish. And spin-flames don't appear on them. Plus you cant just roll into a ball while going up(or down) one.
Howdy Again,
Glad you all like it! Unfortunately, it'll be awhile before I do another update. I just wanted to get that much up and running first. Once I get some major improvement taken care of (for instance, much better physics, wall rendering, or sloped FOFs) I'll post another major update. I'll also try to reboot the rest of the program when 1.09.4 FINALLY comes out, so that the remainder of the code is up-to-date. Anywho, please be patient in the meanwhile. Thankys!

P.S. As far as I am aware of, you should be able to make the slopes in ANY level editor. Just use 70** for a thing number, with ** being the angle of the slope in degrees. Even in DoomBuilder, you can really do any angle slope; I just included every 5 degrees for basic use. Then again, maybe some editors don't show the numbers.
WOAH, that'll be great! I just hope ssntails adds it when they are well working! and that you make them work in software mode. _that'll make ssntails happy :) )
Nega, SSNTails has close to no effort on slopes as of now. You don't even know how software mode works do you?

Also, "well working" is probably 7-12 months from now X_X
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