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You misunderstood me, I believe. I have beaten every stage except one. Heck, I know Westopolis inside out, I've collected all of its keys and stuff. The stage which is bugging me is Stage 5B (can't remember the name though). While killing all the Black Arms along with Tails or going solo after the Chaos Emerald is a piece of cake, I find it revoltingly impossible to shoot down the President's escape pod. Any pointers?
Neo Chaotikal said:
You misunderstood me, I believe. I have beaten every stage except one. Heck, I know Westopolis inside out, I've collected all of its keys and stuff. The stage which is bugging me is Stage 5B (can't remember the name though). While killing all the Black Arms along with Tails or going solo after the Chaos Emerald is a piece of cake, I find it revoltingly impossible to shoot down the President's escape pod. Any pointers?
Yes. When you're using the turrets, don't hold down B. Mash it as fast as you can (You shoot faster that way.). Also, when going along the main pathways with the giant gun robots in the way, get up on one of the higher platforms and try shooting it from there. It takes a few tries (I know it did for me) but once you get it down it's actually pretty straightforward.
I do mash the turrets. Over 7 bullets a second averagely. I use the platforms as well. Questions: what do the left/right switches actually do? Does the pod have any weak points? Does the Chaos Blast damage the pod? How do you use the electricity-bound rails? Which weapons should I use?
Neo Chaotikal said:
I do mash the turrets. Over 7 bullets a second averagely. I use the platforms as well.
Good, good.

Questions: what do the left/right switches actually do?
They change the direction the ship goes in. Make sure you shoot it so it becomes red, or else it'll be harder to catch up with.

Does the pod have any weak points?
As far as I know, the cockpit is SLIGHTLY more vernerable then other areas of the ship.

Does the Chaos Blast damage the pod?

How do you use the electricity-bound rails?
I have yet to find that out, myself. All I do know is that I tried getting back there once and there's a few extra lives and some rings, along with an invincibility box.

Which weapons should I use?
Anything. Preferrably machine guns or rocket launchers (It's REALLY easy if you unlock the Shadow Rifle first then go back and do it; the SR kills the ship within 20 hits)
Neo Chaotikal said:
How do you use the electricity-bound rails?

You have to be in Chaos Control mode (When the blue sparks are flying from SHADOW), or Chaos Blast mode (When the red sparks are flying from SHADOW).
supershadow2 said:
Neo Chaotikal said:
How do you use the electricity-bound rails?

You have to be in Chaos Control mode (When the blue sparks are flying from SHADOW), or Chaos Blast mode (When the red sparks are flying from SHADOW).
One would guess that, but then realise that it's totally useless anyway and not use it at all.

So, I went through the stage again, with limited success. I just can't seem to shoot down the blasted thing! How many times do you have to blow it up? By the time I'm using the outdoor turret, I make it explode for the 3rd time... please tell me I only have to blow it up once more, namely in the last room...
What do the keys unlock, anyway? Don't feel like figuring it out for myself.
Vehicles. Two of them unlock something else. The Doom's door holds a switch that opens the cage in one of the latter rooms, which somehow leads you to a shortcut. Don't ask me, I read it somewhere.

Westopolis, the only one I've unlocked as of now, holds an armored military car. Basically heavier and more resistant than the standard jeep.

EDIT: I believe the doors also hold a single 1-Up aswell.
And yet, in the time it would take you to locate the door and the keys, you could've blown through the level on foot several times, rendering the aid of a vehicle useless. Brilliant.
But Ritz, it is MUCH cooler to run over the Black Arms with an armored car than a jeep, which is located about 30 feet away from the secret door. Get with the times, will you?
Update time, everyone! I finally made it! You may now proceed to giving me all your popcorn.

I'd like to take the moment to express my gratitude for our great pal, Omega the Hedgehog, for giving me greater tips than those at GameFAQs and whatnot. Also, I'd like to say that now I feel closer to full maturity. That is, I feel like grabbing a real Shadow Rifle and shooting Iizuka-san 20 times in the head.

Oh and btw I now have Samurai Blade Level 2 kthx, you can all pheer me.

It's always fun using vehicles to go postal and run the GUN soliders over =P

Oh, and when you get to the Last Story, look out for a cool (but short) Live & Learn remix as Shadow transforms... :wink:
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