The love of your life or money?

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Money definitely helps in love issues, anyway. As a matter of fact it helps in nearly every kind of issue... As long as there are not too many grudgers... Grudgers who are trying to kill you because of your money. But even then... money helps you paying people to make them get rid of those. So yeah, I'd still pick money.

Besides... the strongest feeling of humanity isn't love. I don't know why people are telling such nonsense. IT'S HUNGER. Love doesn't fill an empty stomach but with money you can buy food. LOTS OF food. DELICIOUS food. EXTRAORDINARY food.

The love of my life.
I would love to wake up one morning knowing I will see the cool and funny love of my life.
Draykon said:
The issue here is, the question is just giving you love. Love isn't as good unless you earn it yourself.
Money on the other hand, is a physical object. Though some idiots might not think it, Money's always the same. I would never feel as bad getting money from magic than love from magic.

Besides, I'm awkward around the opposite gender.
You have no idea. When I was with my 1st girlfriend, we were alone in the car and I got nervous and started talking about my cellphone -_-

Oh, and I pick love.
Il have to say money because no one really love love me. And with love its too much yelling and fighting and then you break up.-_-'
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
mast said:
And with love its too much yelling and fighting and then you break up.-_-'

FAIL. That's not how it is supposed to be. Get two righteous people of opposite genders and it shouldn't end up that way.

Well no actully it happens to everybody who get maried at least 3 times.
mast said:
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
mast said:
And with love its too much yelling and fighting and then you break up.-_-'

FAIL. That's not how it is supposed to be. Get two righteous people of opposite genders and it shouldn't end up that way.

Well no actully it happens to everybody who get maried at least 3 times.

People shouldn't HAVE to get married three times. It should just be one time and it works.
Love,my parents have some money already,also,i don't want to get troubles and other stuff like,trying to own a company or something
I want happiness and/or success; both of which are a combination of both love and money. Therefore, I would like to fall in between... though more close to love, because with money comes corruption and greed, and love brings care and compassion to two people.

Both love and money require vast amounts of effort to obtain; both reward a large amount of fulfillment in the end.

It all depends on how much love and how much money.

If its 1 dollar, or a permanent girlfriend, then no to money.
If its 10 million bucks, and a girlfriend that will last 1 week max, then hello sweet money!

You're gonna have to be more specific.
I love My Life...

*Falls off an edge*

Oh Man, I should of gotten a 1-up!!
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