The Kart Circuit Construction Contest

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Darkvile Gardens by Simsmagic - 7/10
At first I just thought this level to be flat and boring, but after racing with several other people, I noticed it was exciting and chaotic, making for a very fun race.

Big Blue II by ah2190 - 3/10
First of all the water segments play horribly, they're ugly, lag and water doesn't work well in general with srb2 kart. As for the normal parts, the ice really doesn't work well in this level.

Rainbow Route by roy - (4/10)
Even though this level is disqualified, I was one of the few people who were actually able to complete the level when I played it online. It's pretty flat and boring, and in the room with the rainbows it's a little hard to see where the track is leading.

Evergreen Loop by I'll Begin - 5/10
The track is pretty decent for the most part, however there are a few places that are a bit confusing, such as one turn that appears to first lead you into a dead end. And of course, the GFZ textures look awful in this level, making it not very visually appealing.

Shy Guy Circuit by Sp47 - N/A
Tried to make this stage feel like a track you would find one of the Mario Kart games. I hoped it worked.

Canyon Rush by Mr Chezz - 8/10
Very nice track with some pretty neat concepts. The only problem I see is that it is very long, you might consider making it a one lap track with three sections as mentioned before.

Rainbow Road by kyllian1212 - 2/10
The beginning didn't seem too bad, but as the level went on, the design continued to get worse. The cross-section was really poorly made and resulted in many cheap deaths. The strip of boost pads is nearly impossible to reach with a mushroom, I tried 3 or 4 times in a row to get it and always fell a bit short.
Darkvile Gardens by Simsmagic - 7/10
Pretty good level, but it wasn't that exciting to play, the details also was lacking in parts. But all in all it was a good level.

Big Blue II by ah2190 - 5/10
Looking past the lag in parts, this level is okay. Although the water sections aren't my favorite parts, mostly because I hate how kart handles water movement. I was also thrown off my the ice friction floors, I would have thought they would make me slide around, but instead I found myself slowing down. Also, the detail needs work seeing it uses the same texture everywhere almost.

Rainbow Route by roy - D/Q
A level based of a amazing game turns up to be D/Q'd, a shame really. This level played okay when I ran through it by myself, but it was somewhat boring in gameplay.

Evergreen Loop by I'll Begin - 8/10
This is a very nice level, both in gameplay and detail! But while others think the GFZROCK is out of place, I find it quite fitting for the most part. Some areas like the parts with the brown dirt could use another texture, maybe a CLIFF one, but other than that the textures are on spot.

Shy Guy Circuit by Sp47 - 8/10
A true Mario Kart level, plays just like one in all terms. But there are a few quirks that need to be worked out, such as the turns next to the water. Like I said while you was making it, you should add in some white borders around the turns to give them some warning. Also, the first bridge seems to have something wrong with it's friction tags, I find myself slowing down a lot when I drift up them.

Canyon Rush by Mr Chezz - 9/10
This is the best level of the contest, although it is a bit long it is still nice. The detail for the most part is great, but the walls sometimes feel to mono-toned. By that I mean there are large walls that use the same textures throughout the whole hallway/room, what you could do to fix this is add in some detail cliffs on them that use another texture to give it a bit of variety. But other than that, great job!

Rainbow Road by kyllian1212 - 3/10
Welcome to the land of cheap deaths! The level started out good, but then took turn for the worse as it went on. With the mixture of stupidly cramped roads and checkpoints that send you to your death if you use the start boost. No to mention the level's detail was lacking, but even with better detail, the level needs a lot more work to be made playable.
KCCC-March-Review By ShadowCM

NOTE: I'm horrable at judging stuff. Also I have not used any of these maps on a netgame because of my dial up so I don't know about any online-offline diffrences sorry.

1. Darkville Garden Zone 6/10
Pretty good but to me is a normal map. I like the high jump because it's good to see any opponents ahead of you, but I beleive it also slows you down, it seems like it to me anyways. The traps at the end are good but you might want to add another thonk(I forget it's name), or two spread out in the stage. Other than that a good map.

2.Big Blue 2 8/10
I like the use of the billboard textures, also the use of the floor panels as boost panels. Although I don't see much of a point in the ice, it just throws people off. But a really good map in general good job.

3.Rainbow Route 4/10
Too short for my tastes, The forest area's kinda plain and empty, the city area's a tiny turn then "GONE" before I knew it. The last star area was the area I didn't like at all, it took me a whole minute the first time to find the exit, the left path is near immpossible, for me at least. I think if you made it four laps, added a few trees & bushes in the forest, made the city longer, and made the turns on the left star path not as sharp you would have a great map, it has a lot of potencial right now just keep on it. also I like the Kirby theme, and sorry if this review sounded rude.

4.Evergreen Loop 8/10
This would be a 9 or maybe a 10 if it wasn't for the redwall I got. Good length, spaceing, and alternate paths. This is certainly one of my favorites in this pack, other than that theres not much to say about this level.

5.Shy Guy Circuit 7/10
Over all very good, but a little basic. I like it a lot though, it has the qualities of a good map, it just needs one more thing to make it better, I just can't put my finger on it sorry. Just keep working on this it will be good after a little deatail work, I can tell it will.

6.Canyon Rush 10/10
What can I say, this is one of the best maps I've played in all SRB2. It has big, wide spacing and map length, alternative pathways to the finish, traps ready at diffrent places, and, as said before, the music really pulls it together. I see no need for changes, this map is ready to go. Great job.

7.Rainbow Road 3/10
I give you props but it just isn't that good. The theme is great, just the way you put it together isn't. Some turns are extreamly hard and narrow, plus the no side rails adds up to a diaster area, also I don't see much of a point in the holes right before the first big fall I just drove right over them. And that shortcut after the turn, with the grey springs, is absolutley immpossible for me even with a mushroom. If you continue this you might want to start over, sorry to sound so cruel.

This is the end of my review thank you for reading it.
I think it's unfair to vote a map down because of graphical bugs, but in your defense I really should have noticed and fixed them. I didn't even see the redwall until the pack came out.
Somehow I forgot to mention this in the voting guidelines before, but from now on you are required to play the maps online with other people for your vote to count.
Does this affect existing votes? I have no way of playing online because I'm asleep while everyone's awake and in the mood for a game, thus giving everyone else an unfair advantage because they can void their lowest vote by voting on the maps themselves, but with that rule I wouldn't be able to.

After all, unlike SRB2 Match, it's not like Mario Kart can't be solo'd
Does this affect existing votes? I have no way of playing online because I'm asleep while everyone's awake and in the mood for a game, thus giving everyone else an unfair advantage because they can void their lowest vote by voting on the maps themselves, but with that rule I wouldn't be able to.

After all, unlike SRB2 Match, it's not like Mario Kart can't be solo'd
No, the rule is only for new votes. The logic behind this is that Mario Kart (and by extension, SRB2 Kart) is much more competitive compared to, say SRB2's race mode. There's a lot of player interaction throughout the course, and how a player experiences a map changes when other people are added to the equation. When you play MK maps alone, you only get a sense for the layout, and not an idea of how the map really plays, with shells, bananas and bombs being flinged everywhere.
Honestly, I don't really know what to say, since I feel that I'll simply be repeating what others have said, but whatever. Here goes nothing!

Darkvile Garden Zone by Simsmagic: 8/10
The somewhat boring visuals are quite misleading, 'cause this level really turned out to be rather fun! Nice work man!

Big Blue II by ah2190: 4/10
Those weird ice floors can bring up some confusion as a player would naturally expect to slide over the ice. Also, the lag was quite a pain really, especially in the water sections and the level itself just didn't really look that interesting.

Rainbow Route by Roykirbs: D/Q
Well the level was ok, but it was kinda boring and some of the roads were excessively wide( particularly the section after the first teleporter), which not only made it look rather plain, but also meant that items like bananas and fake items were barely effective in those areas.

Evergreen Loop by I'll Begin: 7/10
This one was alright. The detail that is present is pretty good and I liked the alternate routes here. Though some areas felt too open or too long (especially those last 2 stretches) and that small stretch of what first appears to be an alt route where you are actually sprung over can be rather misleading.

Shy Guy Circuit by Sp47: 7/10
A pretty good level here, though the stair slopes are rather steep meaning shells will actually collide with any of the steps and there isn't much here to keep the level interesting really.

Canyon Rush by Mr Chezz: Ye/ah
Where do I begin...

Well, it's a level I first tried to make for the kart mode in Riders, though it never saw the light of day back then, due to it being plain crap and not having a single trace of thought into the design.

So yeah, I decided to remake it and stuff. The differences here being that I did put some thought into the design and that I didn't just throw in the gimmicks just for the sake of them being there.( Though I may need to sort out the placement for a few of them.)

I'll admit that some, if not most parts were just not really thought out(or rushed even). I'll see what I can do about that. Among other things, I know that I'll be making heavy changes in place of what is currently the last few stretches, but I'm still thinking on the track layout I'll have and various ways in which I could use the gimmicks involved; bearing in mind that I will be converting it to a sections track. Though if that doesn't work out, I'll keep it as a 2-lap course and simply try to make each part more different from the next.

Rainbow Road Zone by Kyllian1212: 3/10
I know for a fact that you were lacking ideas for this, since I tried this a few times before the contest and in most areas, it shows. The level starts ok, however it all more or less goes downhill after the 3rd checkpoint I believe. What, with the really sharp turns, boost-pads "saying "Nope"" (for certain nodes), checkpoints being activated from underneath the track(though I am aware you had problems sorting this out), the hard-to-reach shortcut and just the level not really looking that interesting really. I wish I could give you a better score, but in it's current state, this is the score that I feel your level measures up to.
With that said, here are some numbers for your consideration:

  • Darkvile Gardens by Simsmagic - 7.25
  • Big Blue II by ah2190 - 4.40
  • Rainbow Route by roy - 3.71 - Disqualified
  • Evergreen Loop by I'll Begin - 6.50
  • Shy Guy Circuit by Sp47 - 7.00
  • Canyon Rush by Mr Chezz - 8.75
  • Rainbow Road by kyllian1212 - 2.40
Congratulations to all entrants, and thank you for participating in the Kart Circuit Construction Contest.

If anyone is interested in my horribly designed spreadsheet, it can be found here.
Will there be another contest sometime? It doesn't matter to me because I have Dial-up so I can't vote but I still like to play it.
Yeah, there should be another one. The current deadline for entries can be seen on the very first post of this topic for those thinking of participating.
Yes, we know. I don't mean to be demanding or rude, but you don't have to tell us things we already know, or that you're feeling hyperactive, just for the sake of making a post.
I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little longer.

The KCCC's deadline has been extended for another month, and further contests shall take place every two months. The current deadline for entries is now May 31st, 2012 at 7:00 PM EST.

The reasoning for this is that having a contest every month is probably too frequent, even though there's only one category to enter in. Two months gives someone ample time to figure out exactly what they want to make without feeling rushed (unless they wait until the last minute of course [don't do that by the way]).

Also to tell the truth, nobody has entered the current one yet and somehow I didn't anticipate any entries at all for the rest of April.
Oh good! I was meaning to say something on how I thought a one month deadline was too often. Happy to see that this has changed.
One month alternations between the OLDC and the KCCC? Oh boy.

Anyways, it's pretty cool that there's going to be a bit more time. Maybe I'll actually try getting something in.
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