Also, the menu GFX;
BRDR_B (Bottom border of selection window)
BRDR_BL (Bottom-Left border corner of selection window)
BRDR_BR (Bottom-Right border corner of selection window)
BRDR_L (Left border of selection window)
BRDR_MM (Invalid Selection of selection window (I think))
BRDR_MT (Same as above)
BRDR_R (Right border of selection window)
BRDR_T (Top border of selection window)
BRDR_TL (Top-Left border corner of selection window)
BRDR_TR (Top-Right border corner of selection window)
HELP (What is shown when someone presses F1)
M_CDVOL (CD Volume Title)
M_CONTRO (Setup Controls Title)
M_LGTTL (Load Game Title 1, identical to 2)
M_LOADG (Load Game Title 2, identical to 1)
M_LSCNTR (Load/Save game bar - middle)
M_LSLEFT (Load/Save game bar - left ending)
M_LSRGHT (Load/Save game bar - right ending)
M_MULTI (Multiplayer Title)
M_NEWG (New Game Title 1, identical to 2)
M_NGAME (New Game Title 2, identical to 1)
M_OPTION (Options Title 1, identical to 2)
M_OPTTTL (Options Title 2, identical to 1)
M_PAUSE (Pause)
M_PSETUP (Player Setup Title)
M_SAVEG (Save Game Title 1, identical to 2)
M_SFXVOL (SFX Volume Title)
M_SGTTL (Save Game Title 2, identical to 1)
M_SLIDEL (Misc. Bar - left ending)
M_SLIDEM (Misc. Bar - middle)
M_SLIDER (Misc. Bar - right ending)
M_SVOL (Sound Volume Title)
M_THERML (Not sure what this is used for)
M_THERMM (Not sure what this is used for)
M_THERMO (Not sure what this is used for)
M_THERMR (Not sure what this is used for)
M_VIDEO (Video Options Title)
Also, the CECHO text images ARE NOT sprites, they are GFX (like the menu).