You have to select a room before you can see the games listed on the master server. Being unable to join one can happen for any number of reasons, like joiner limits, not having wads, or just bad internet in general.
Hosting generally requires forwarding the ports on your router. This isn't a process specific to SRB2, so just google it.
The wiki may have more information depending on your specific issue. Being hysterical or melodramatic about it here is more likely to get you laughed at than helped, hence why I'm closing the thread this time. If after doing some research and/or trying what I've suggested you still find yourself unable to make any progress, try asking for help in one of the chatrooms instead.
To be clear, asking for help with netgames is not a banned topic, it is just how you chose to go about it that has this thread locked. All the same, please do not recreate this thread immediately after.