Texture problems

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Why is it whenever I load up a new SRB2 wad, all the textures aren't there? I get the following message:
WARNING: You have no IWAD file set for this configuration!
 WARNING: Could not find required lump PLAYPAL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch VIOWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKW17A
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKW17B
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKW17C
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKW17D
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL15
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL14
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL13
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL12
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL11
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL10
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL09
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL08
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL07
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL06
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL05
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL04
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL02
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWL01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch EGGTRAP1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch EGGTRAP2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch YELCAUTN
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch REDCAUTN
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZLASR1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZLASR2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZBLOK1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZCONV1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZCONV2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZCONV3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOC1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARFLAG1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARFLAG2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARFLAG3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOU6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW9
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOU5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOU4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOU3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOU2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOU1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZVINES
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZBRIK1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZBRIK2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZWINDW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZDOOR
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZROOF
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL09
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL08
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL07
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL06
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL05
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL04
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL02
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC07
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC10
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC02
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC04
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC05
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC06
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC08
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC09
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPIKE1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPIKE2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPIKEWAL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOW6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE9
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLE1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLEA
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLEB
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZINSID
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ARROWU
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ARROWR
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZTILE
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch PISTON
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GLASS2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZMETL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZMETL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZMETL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZMETL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZROCK3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZROCK2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZROCK1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch REDWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GRNWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BLUWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GRYWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch YELWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch TFALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch TFALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch TFALL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch TFALL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SLITE1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SLITE2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SLITE3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SLITE4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZPIPE2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZPIPE1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BARREL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BARLSIDE
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SUPPORT1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DOORTRK1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZROCK
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch VINE2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WARNING
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL9
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZBRIDG
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZGRASS
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFALL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFALL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CFALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CFALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CFALL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CFALL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZPIPE
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ11
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ10
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ9
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPEC6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZFENC2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZBLOK2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZBLOCK
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCK
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DC5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ORANGE
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MINEWOOD
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SIDEWALK
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DC4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DC3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DC2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DC1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKY2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKY1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch LIFT
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GLASS
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WINDOW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch PIPE3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch PIPE2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch COMP2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch COMP1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CAUTION2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CAUTION1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZBRID
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZROCKZ
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WOODLEAT
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WOODLEAF
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WOODCRK
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WOODBRID
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WOODRAIL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WOODWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZPLAT1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZPLAT2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZWALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZDECOR
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZDECO1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZDECO2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch HPZBLOKZ
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DSZ1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZREACT
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZRAIL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZGRSW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZROCK
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZSTONE
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BRAK1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BRAK2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AYR1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AYR2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AYR3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AYR4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AYR5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AYR6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AYR7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AYR8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GLASSTEX
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY10
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY11
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY12
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY13
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY14
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY15
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY16
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY17
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY18
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY19
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY20
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY21
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY22
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY23
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY24
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY25
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY26
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY27
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY28
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY29
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY30
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY31
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY32
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ERSKY9
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZSKY4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZSKY
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SSKY2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SSKY3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SSKY4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SSKY5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SSKY6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZSKY1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZSKY2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZSKY3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch STARSKY
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SSKY7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SSKY1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPECW8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPECW2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPECW3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPECW4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPECW5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPECW6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPECW7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SPECW1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZBOX01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZBOX02
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZBOX03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZBOX04
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch INFOWAL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch INFOWAL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CEZWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CEZGRSW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CEZGRASS
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMASSKY
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS02
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS04
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS05
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS06
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS07
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS08
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS09
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS10
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS11
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS12
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS13
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS14
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS15
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS16
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS17
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS18
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS19
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS20
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS21
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS22
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XMAS23
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BOXWARNG
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MARIOC2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SKY30
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THWOMP1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THWOMP2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THWOMP3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CEZSKY
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SQUID5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY7
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY9
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYA
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYB
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYC
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYD
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYE
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYF
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYG
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYH
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEYI
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SQUID1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SQUID2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SQUID3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SQUID4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MONKEY1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SQUID6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ZIMWALL9
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ZIMWALL8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ZIMWALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ZIMWALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ZIMWALL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ZIMWALL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW02
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW04
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW05
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW06
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW07
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW08
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW09
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW10
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW11
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW12
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW13
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW14
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW15
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW16
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW17
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW18
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW19
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW20
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW21
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW22
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW23
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW24
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SMSHOW25
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ~PIT
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ZIMSKY2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ZIMSKY1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch NSKY6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch NSKY2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch NSKY3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch NSKY4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch NSKY5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch NSKY1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BUSTROCK
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ECVINESW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BLUEW2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BLUEW3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BRICK1W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BRICK2W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CEMNBOT
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CEMNTOP
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CHAINFEN
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch COMP4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch COMP5
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch COMP6
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCCEIL1W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCONEWAY
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCPAVEW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCSTREET
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCSUPP1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCTOW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCUNDBRD
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCWALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCWHITEW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCWIN1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCWIN2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DCYELLW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DEEPSE2W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DEEPSE3W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DEEPSE4W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DENTFLRW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DIRTW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch FMETAL1W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch FMETAL2W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GRASS1W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GRASSYW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GREYW1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GREYW2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GREYW3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch OLDROCKW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch OTHZW1W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch OTHZW2W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch OWOODW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SANDW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SKY54
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SKY56
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch STEEL2W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch STEEL3W
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch STEELW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WEB1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch XTRMCHKW
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BLUEW1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ROCKWLL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DIRT3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DIRT4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GHZWAL11
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MMA
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM9
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MM8
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch DIRT2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BFALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BFALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BFALL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BFALL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch RED1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch RED2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch RED3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SFALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SFALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SFALL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SFALL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch YEL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch YEL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch YEL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AFALL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AFALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AFALL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AFALL4
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ALTBOX01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ALTBOX02
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ALTBOX03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch ALTBOX04
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BARREL3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BOXWARN2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLEC
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLED
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLEE
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLEF
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLEG
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLEH
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CASTLEI
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CEZWALL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CLRWAL01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CLRWAL02
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CLRWAL03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch CLRWAL04
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZBRID2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZROCK2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch GFZROCK3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SCREEN01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SUPPORT3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZMECH1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZMECH2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZMECH3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALLA
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALLB
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALLC
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALLD
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALLE
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch THZWALLF
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch TOMBST1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch TOMBST2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch TOMBST3
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch TRCKWLL1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WOODWLL2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MRNR1T1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MRNR1T2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MRNR2T1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MRNR2T2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MRNR3T1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MRNR3T2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MRNR4T1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch MRNR4T2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch NCEZW1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch NCEZW2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SNDWALLC
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SNDPILRC
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SNDPILRD
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SNDWALL
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SNDWALLB
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch SNDPILRB
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WHZFLR16
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WHZFLR17
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WALL37
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WALL45
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WALL46
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WALL57
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch PATA00
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch PATA01
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch WALL59
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch AG128_2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch STEP03
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch BLITA0
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch RP1_1
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch RP1_2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch RW30_2
 WARNING: Could not find the required lump for the patch RW36_1
...you didn't place the SRB2 standard textures in there did you? Well you need to do that. Follow the instructions for using XWE for textures shown in the XWE friendly textures topic at the archives forum.
Those ARE the SRB2 textures, right?
I've moved the file into the folder that has SRB2 DoomBuilder, and now get the this:
 WARNING: You have no IWAD file set for this configuration!
 WARNING: Could not find required lump PLAYPAL
 WARNING: Could not find required lumps TEXTURE1 or TEXTURE2
You need to set an IWAD in the configurations menu. Basically, just point it toward SRB2.SRB. I'll be able to give you more specific details later.
The thing about DB is that it's picky about what IWAD you try to set it to. Basically, to make it point to srb2.srb instead of srb2.wad, you must click on type "srb2.srb" in the filename box when you're in the srb2 directory searching for the IWAD.

...I think this qualifies as a suggestion for the SRB2 Doom Builder.
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