Texture Editing made easy! (XWE! 1.09.4!)

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Now updated somewhat for v1.09. ANIMATED is outdated (it doesn't have the SASRB2 textures or quicksand in it), and so is the example PWAD, but otherwise, you're back on track.
I cannot run SWANTBLS.EXE for no reason. :(
Edit: I had to go on the internets to find one that worked.. I dunno why this one didn't work, but the one I found did.
I've updated the topic with JTE's millenia-old custom DAT file, ripped from the source code.

Of course, since he posted that, we've moved on to v1.09.2, but I don't think there were many - or any - new textures, just some bug fixes...

And SWANTBLS is for getting the ANIMATED lump to exist, so you can have custom animations. You know you want to.
I know I'll get shot for asking, but I'm going to anyway. ^_^

XWE won't let me edit the ANIMATED lump...
What do I do here? X_X
You don't edit the animated lump.

# ANIMATED defaults for SRB2 
# by Jason the Echidna 

# Speed is how many tics before the next frame of 
# animation. (So a speed of 8 is slower then 2 because 
# it waits 8 tics before switching to the next frame.) 
# Last is the last frame in the animation. 
# First is the first frame in the animation. 

# This list is a perfect replica of the one in SRB2's 
# source code, right down to the commenting. But I 
# took the time to do the boring work of putting it 
# in the format below, SO YOU'D BETTER FIND IT USEFUL. 

# There are no switches in SRB2. 

#speed  #last    #first 
4       NUKAGE3  NUKAGE1 
4       FWATER16 FWATER1 
4       BWATER16 BWATER1 
4       LWATER16 LWATER1 
4       WATER7   WATER0 
8       SWATER4  SWATER1 
8       LAVA4    LAVA1 
8       BLOOD3   BLOOD1 

#speed  #last    #first 
8       RROCK08  RROCK05 
4       QUIKSN16 QUIKSN01 # Quicksand 
4       CHEMG16  CHEMG01  # THZ Chemical gunk 
4       GOOP16   GOOP01   # Green chemical gunk 
4       SLIME08  SLIME05 
2       THZBOXF4 THZBOXF1 # Moved up with the flats 

#speed  #last    #first 
4       BLUE3    BLUE1 
4       GREY3    GREY1 

#speed  #last    #first 
2       GFALL4   GFALL1   # Short waterfall 
2       CFALL4   CFALL1   # Long waterfall 
2       TFALL4   TFALL1   # THZ Chemical fall 
2       AFALL4   AFALL1   # Green Chemical fall 
2       THZBOX04 THZBOX01 
2       ALTBOX04 ALTBOX01 
4       SFALL4   SFALL1   # Lava fall 
2       BFALL4   BFALL1   # HPZ waterfall 
4       GREYW3   GREYW1 
4       BLUEW3   BLUEW1 
4       COMP6    COMP4 
4       RED3     RED1 
4       YEL3     YEL1

Copy that into a new file, named x.DAT, we'll just name x.DAT animated.dat, edit it in notepad.

Then run SWANTBLS.exe on the dat file, and it makes the animated lump.

I've done this before, and it worked.
A lot of textures were added into 1.09.4 so we really need a new file that you can add textures to. As it is, this file currently available for download turns all the new textures into REDWALL.
Understood. I've updated some new working lumps - I assume, since I used the same method to create them that I did the first time, but haven't loaded 'em up to see for myself - and so on, and so on. Also did a slight overhaul of the tutorial, but nothing major enough that you won't recognize it.
I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience but I did Exactly as you said and I got an error as shown below


It causes to prevent tests and actually playing it
How do I prevent this from happening?
Import the lumps I provided in the first post for FuriousFox's first step. If you are, then I need to look at my methodology again.
He's coming near.....now he just needs to get special permission to enter the hidden palace. Once he posts there, his mission is complete.
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