No, he means the thing that pops up at the top of the screen when you pause, how it says "pause". Their lump names are as follows.
CD Volume: M_CDVOL
Setup Controls: M_CONTRO
Digital Music Volume: M_DIGVOL
Load Game: M_LGTTL
Midi Music Volume: M_MIDVOL
Multiplayer: M_MULTI
New Game: M_NEWG
New Game (Not sure which is which.): M_NGAME
Options: M_OPTION
(Again there are two!) Options: M_OPTTTL
Pause: M_PAUSE
Select Game: M_PICKG
Choose Player: M_PICKP
Save Game (Scrapped?): M_SGTTL
Sound Volume: M_SVOL
Video Options: M_VIDEO
(Sorry for such a big post.)