Larz T
So whenever I try to test out my map through SRB2 Doom Builder and using SDL2, SRB2 fails to load and says there is a wad file that is not found or missing. Even with new maps and not saved encounter this problem. This only seems to happen on SDL2. DirectDraw works fine. Here's the log:
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 4095MB - Free: 4095MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Larz\Desktop\SRB2TE~1\srb2.srb (6214 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Larz\Desktop\SRB2TE~1\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Larz\Desktop\SRB2TE~1\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Larz\Desktop\SRB2TE~1\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Larz\Desktop\SRB2TE~1\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Larz\Desktop\SRB2TE~1\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Larz\Desktop\SRB2TE~1\music.dta (171 lumps)
ERROR: File not found.
Added file C:\Users\Larz\Desktop\SRB2TE~1\tempmap.wad (11 lumps)
I_Error(): A WAD file was not found or not valid.
Check the log to see which ones.
I_ShutdownGraphics(): graphics never started
I_ShutdownSystem(): end of logstream.