You can get the Cheats menu, but it's long and tricky. Most new players, and some oldbies, have trouble beating it.
To start out with, you must beat Very Hard mode to unlock Ultimate.
Next, you must beat Ultimate mode with all the emeralds.
After that, you must find RedXVI in GFZ2 to obtain the black emerald. Hint: Look up high for a house. That will trigger the sequence.
With the black emerald, you must make your way to CEZ2's central pool, jump into it as Hyper Sonic, then go to the level exit, where RedXVI will teleport you to a location next to a bunch of Crawla Commanders. Escape the area to unlock the Cheats menu.
Beat CEZ3 to keep the Cheats menu unlocked.
By the way, the Secrets list will not tell you how to unlock Ultimate, nor the Cheats menu.