
No clue if anyone else feels this way, or if it's already been suggested, but there should be an option to turn off the intro.

I hate having the game start up and Eggman just go "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" every time. Even though you can mash a button to skip it, it would be nice if you didn't have to do that every time and just skip right to the title screen on boot.

Gonna agree with this, but rather than an option, I'd rather it was just taken out entirely. :P It's the only negative addition to 2.1, but I feel silly complaining about it because it's such a small thing that really doesn't matter. I can't stop it from bothering me, though, and I mash the keys to try to skip it before the "AH" every time.

Considering how most of the changes and additions were intended to make the game more professional looking, it's weird that such a weird, dorky thing was thrown in at the very start.
The new intro isn't going anywhere, because it helps with a major problem we've been having recently: people take SRB2's plot WAY too seriously. The opening cutscene itself is part of the problem, as while it's not meant to be taken seriously, there's nothing in it that indicates that. Having Eggman eating an entire truck of lard before the opening starts provides the proper tone for the opening and the entire game after that. I'd also like to note that "silly" doesn't mean "unprofessional". There are quite a few professional games with incredibly silly boot screens.

That said, as long as you're not trying to play an unmodified game, you can skip it entirely with -warp.
The new intro isn't going anywhere, because it helps with a major problem we've been having recently: people take SRB2's plot WAY too seriously. The opening cutscene itself is part of the problem, as while it's not meant to be taken seriously, there's nothing in it that indicates that. Having Eggman eating an entire truck of lard before the opening starts provides the proper tone for the opening and the entire game after that. I'd also like to note that "silly" doesn't mean "unprofessional". There are quite a few professional games with incredibly silly boot screens.

That said, as long as you're not trying to play an unmodified game, you can skip it entirely with -warp.

Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever sat through the entire opening cutscene. If this game has a plot, I certainly don't know anything about it. :P

I'd still argue that nothing else in the game is silly in the same way that the "feedin' recliner" is, but looking at it as a silly boot screen in the same vein as the old Neversoft and Acclaim logo animations, I can understand its inclusion.
...looking at it as a silly boot screen in the same vein as the old Neversoft and Acclaim logo animations, I can understand its inclusion.
This is the exact intent of it. Set a silly tone from the start, give people a laugh, and remind everyone that yes, this is an absurd series and it isn't serious business =P
Some sort of list of the suggestions that are being implemented in the next version so we don't get suggestions for something that is already coming.
I'd like it if there were more possibilities with bouncing objects. Features I'd like to see would include some way to determine how much the object slows down upon bouncing (or to make it not slow down at all), a way to determine if it should bounce on floors/walls/other objects separately (so you can have for example an object that bounces off walls but not players), and a way to make the object go to a particular state whenever it bounces.
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The new intro isn't going anywhere, because it helps with a major problem we've been having recently: people take SRB2's plot WAY too seriously.

I'm probably gonna hate myself for asking, but...just how serious is WAY serious?

I mean, to me, the story is genesis sonic levels. "Oh hey Eggman done a bad thing, go kick his ass, hero!". Now, GRANTED he did basically nuke a city this time, but it's not like he's never thought of doing that before (lost world, SA2B, etc). It's a serious plot as far as Sonic games go, but nothing that intense.

So...Just how...serious are we talking here? Like, having its own fanfiction kind of serious? Or worse?

PS: While the "AAAAAAAAAH" sound effect is a little grating, the actual opening with the feedin' 'cliner is pretty hilarious. XD
Turns out, people have taken SRB2 (and to further emphasize the point, mods of SRB2) very seriously.

The entire reason behind making the new intro a thing (aside from the fact that everyone on the dev team was greatly amused when Mystic showed us the original, ancient AVI) was to emphasize to people who think we care about the supposed canon that we explicitly do not care about the official canon, or where SRB2 would even stand. We're doing this for fun, there is no serious thought to any sort of plot whatsoever put into this. It's a game for fun, and the whimsical hilarity of the new intro especially emphasizes this.
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On the discussion of SRB2's intro, I'll just quote a few things I said on #srb2fun here as suggestions.
<Whackjood> I think the intro should be cut, in favour of some really simple textless scenes like Sonic 3. But as it stands, it's not doing any harm so I'm not that bothered :V

<Whackjood> Or just some neat details in the levels that hint to a larger plot. Grand Eggship being in the GFZ skybox, computer monitors that look like ERZ plans in THZ2, that kind of thing?

Oh...Oh god...They made a modsbanned WIKI for their lame fanfiction fanon? I...I'm not sure if I should be depressed, or if I should feel pity for them.

Personally, I just see the game as a fun little fangame that recalls the good old days. No need for superanalysis. ;_;

On the discussion of SRB2's intro, I'll just quote a few things I said on #srb2fun here as suggestions. (list)

Oooh, ambient storytelling. That's always smart.

As such it would fly right over 90% of the audience's head. At least until they visit TVtropes.
I don't mind SRB2 being silly. I don't think anyone minds it being silly. It's just that the "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" scream by Eggman at the beginning is a little bit annoying for me. Then again, that's just me, and it's not a big deal now with -skipintro.
Gravity directly waits down Knuckles if you let Jump button,what if he was able to Glide Multiple times while in Air just like from Sonic Adventure,and any other Sonic game ?
It would be really cool to have a linedef flag (maybe Effect 4?) that would cause middle textures to continue being drawn in front of upper/lower textures. This way, we could have things like an overhanging grassy border along the top of platforms, like in classic Sonic games, but without having to resort to FOF trickery (like Sapphire Falls does it) or absurdly tall custom textures.
They had that already.

Gravity directly waits down Knuckles if you let Jump button,what if he was able to Glide Multiple times while in Air just like from Sonic Adventure,and any other Sonic game ?
See "SRB2 Final Demo 1.09":
[…] It also marked the removal of Mystic's ill-fated "Chaos Mode", as well as Knuckles' multi-glide ability, known also as "Spidey Knux". […]
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It would be really cool to have a linedef flag (maybe Effect 4?) that would cause middle textures to continue being drawn in front of upper/lower textures. This way, we could have things like an overhanging grassy border along the top of platforms, like in classic Sonic games, but without having to resort to FOF trickery (like Sapphire Falls does it) or absurdly tall custom textures.

Yes please! I tried doing that once until I realized you couldn't do it simply by adding midtextures and adjusting the offsets.

@DoomGamesLover: I recall a SpideyKnux.wad in the character releases section that is able to do that, if that helps.
Gravity directly waits down Knuckles if you let Jump button,what if he was able to Glide Multiple times while in Air just like from Sonic Adventure,and any other Sonic game ?
Meet Uglyknux: the first Actual Knuckles in SRB2. He (along with sonic's thok and tails' fly) was originally unbalanced, with his multi-glide move being known as "Spidey-Knux" (Tails' move being known as HoldFly; Sonic's move being known as Multi-Thok [It was at first so bad that he could thok on ground])
I don't think we want to go a step back. Now if you want an adventure-like Knuckles, just get UglyKnux and Enjoy!
Gravity directly waits down Knuckles if you let Jump button,what if he was able to Glide Multiple times while in Air just like from Sonic Adventure,and any other Sonic game ?
Except, you know, Sonic 3K, which is the only classic Sonic game with Knuckles =P

Multi-glide actually used to be in the game, but was removed because it was extremely powerful with the proper bounce physics SRB2 has, especially in 1.X when Crawlas were basically everywhere. To fly faster than Tails, all you had to do was bounce on something and immediately glide, respin, and repeat until you were hitting the sky.

Tails' move being known as HoldFly
This was never true. Tails always controlled like Sonic 3K in SRB2.
Some sort of method to replace sprites and patches so they are only visible to a single player: For example, Switching the TRANS10 lump out with another when a custom palette for a level is loaded.

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