
I actually agree with doun. When I first played online in match, I was like Krillin trying to fight Buu. I actually got better by fighting a knuckles bot offline. I see no harm in a bot system.
I actually agree with doun. When I first played online in match, I was like Krillin trying to fight Buu. I actually got better by fighting a knuckles bot offline. I see no harm in a bot system.

Except for the fact that the majority of SRB2 players wouldn't even bother with it and that it's a total pain in the ass to code?
That's only because no one played CB or CineBlast, or JTE... I can see the problem of coding it... But man, practicing with those bots are fun as hell...
It's better to play competitive gametypes with actual human players and not a AI. Since you will never know what they will do, it adds quite a challenge.
It's better to play competitive gametypes with actual human players and not a AI. Since you will never know what they will do, it adds quite a challenge.
Yeah, but sometimes SOME humans can be quite impossible to hit, even with your best controls, also did I mention THEY DON'T DE-SYNCH!? Human Players struggle through SRB2's NetCode, AI bots, never, ever, de-synch from the game, they might be stupid as hell, but they're more stable to play against. Secondly, I meant a limit of 3 bots in the offline gameplay, not like the broken 31 extra bots limit. You have a challenge, and the challenge has it's own challenge. Fair and Fair.
Yeah, but sometimes SOME humans can be quite impossible to hit

It's called "git gud".

There's also no incentive to adding bots to the game. So what if you can fight someone without an internet connection when the opponent is too stupid to prove a challenge in the slightest?

Plus, have you ever coded an AI before? No? Well, it's a painful, long, exhausting journey just to make a simple AI that doesn't run into walls. So, you want the developers to take a long period of time to focus on a meaningless feature?

That's only because no one played CB or CineBlast, or JTE

Plenty of people have played those. It's just that no one cares about their AI because, again, they are too stupid.
However, We can still put in the gametype "King of the Hill" into SRB2 because that would be the best. In fact, it can still be played on a Sonic-themed game and I'm NOT trying to make Sonic Doom 3. Also, I'm also NOT trying to make SRB2 a hellish rapping fight game (as seen on that youtube video called "Sonic's Best Pal Fan-Animated Music Video").
I don't see why we need King of the Hill so badly. I don't think it would work with SRB2. Also I think someone made King of the Hill maps for 2.0 back in the day if I recall correctly.
Well I'm just talking about the General King of the Hill Gametype being in SRB2 and it would definitely be nice to see the King of the Hill Gametype in SRB2 and it can contain Teams (as seen in Team Match and Capture the Flag), just like in the other games that contain King of the Hill where we get access to teams. However, for King of the Hill, what can happen for this gametype is that we have a Big Ring in the middle of the map and a team must capture it and defend it for a certain amount of minutes in order to win. King of the Hill can definitely have Blue and Red Teams (just like Doom's King of the Hill does). However, the players in King of the Hill can still use Weapon Rings (just like in Match and Capture the Flag) and wipe out the other players/team (just like in Match, Capture the Flag and Doom's King of the Hill) just to make King of the Hill very, very fun.
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My only problem with a King of the Hill gametype would be the special rings with large knockbacks such as Explosion Rings or Rail Rings. And with, for example, 5-6 people all cluttering to get on the hill, I'm pretty sure one person would only be able to claim the hill for a few seconds before getting knocked off and having to climb back up.
Well I'm just talking about the General King of the Hill Gametype being in SRB2 and it would definitely be nice to see the King of the Hill Gametype in SRB2 and it can contain Teams (as seen in Team Match and Capture the Flag), just like in the other games that contain King of the Hill where we get access to teams. However, for King of the Hill, what can happen for this gametype is that we have a Big Ring in the middle of the map and a team must capture it and defend it for a certain amount of minutes in order to win. King of the Hill can definitely have Blue and Red Teams (just like Doom's King of the Hill does). However, the players in King of the Hill can still use Weapon Rings (just like in Match and Capture the Flag) and wipe out the other players/team (just like in Match, Capture the Flag and Doom's King of the Hill) just to make King of the Hill very, very fun.

Wait... King of the Hill, among other FPS style games types... and DOOD64's hat mod... Oh god it's TF2 all over again.

In all seriousness though, I would like the idea of modes like this, but not only are they not Sonic-like at all (Which, then again, match isn't entirely Sonic-like either, so not much of a point there) but especially with King of the Hill, someone could easily ruin the other team with a bomb ring or some rapid rings in no time, and it would eventually become a mess of an activity. It is due to this that I think it *may* be a bad idea, but I guess we will not know until it is put in action, which most likely starts with porting that KOTH map from 2.0 that was mentioned earlier.
The reason king of the hill doesn't work in SRB2 (it has been tried before) is because it's basically impossible to kill your opponents in SRB2. Unless you make a blatant mistake, you should almost always be able to live through the opponent's attacks, which makes removing the other team from a capture point a rather impossible task. Anyone who's tried to remove the other team from their own base in CTF should know how hard it is, and the other team can't even grab the rings in your base in CTF. In a KotH style gametype you wouldn't even have that option to just grind their rings to zero through attrition.
You could do either of two things. Either make the shots take down rings slowly without any ability to recover them like the Vulcan Cannon shots in Sonic 06 or use the Chrono Adventure way of handling rings altogether where collecting a certain amount of them fills up a meter and when you take a hit, you lose all rings on that particular section of the meter. You don't die instantly without rings as per usual, but you'll die in a single hit. Only, it'd have to be modified since the special rings in Match, Team Match, and CTF all drain rings.

Basically, every ten rings fills one section of the meter. You can keep collecting rings after it's filled, but that won't add to the meter. When the meter is empty, taking a hit takes away all of your rings (not counting special rings, those drop for anyone to grab) with no recovery, as to solve the issue of being unable to kill anyone without sheer luck.

That could work, but then it'd seem out of place since every other mode would still operate off of the standard ring system.
You could do either of two things. Either make the shots take down rings slowly without any ability to recover them like the Vulcan Cannon shots in Sonic 06 or use the Chrono Adventure way of handling rings altogether where collecting a certain amount of them fills up a meter and when you take a hit, you lose all rings on that particular section of the meter. You don't die instantly without rings as per usual, but you'll die in a single hit. Only, it'd have to be modified since the special rings in Match, Team Match, and CTF all drain rings.

Basically, every ten rings fills one section of the meter. You can keep collecting rings after it's filled, but that won't add to the meter. When the meter is empty, taking a hit takes away all of your rings (not counting special rings, those drop for anyone to grab) with no recovery, as to solve the issue of being unable to kill anyone without sheer luck.

That could work, but then it'd seem out of place since every other mode would still operate off of the standard ring system.

If we went by the Vulcan Cannon Shots, then Automatic Rings would be extremely broken. And in Sonic Chrono Adventure, you could still recover your rings even after taking damage and you still had invincibility frames, so it'd just be like losing some rings instead of all your rings.

Either way, like you basically said, there would have to be pretty deep engine and gameplay modifications for this to even happen.
Well, I said it'd have to be modified for a reason. I didn't want to make a system like this just for it to basically be Modern Sonic ring loss. And I put more time into the explanation of the second one since honestly the Vulcan Cannon shots sound extremely boring. Not to mention it's hard enough to hit someone as it is and it'd be horrible to make that take forever.

I'm not an expert on coding, but compared to what I see done on the forums, this sounds like a simple Lua mod. I am not sure of how possible it'd be to actually put that in game.
I'm certain that this KoTH map you guys are talking about was for 1.09.4 and it needed another exe.

News to me, as far as I remember it was possible to make in vanilla SRB2 back then at least.

The general point about why KoTH probably shouldn't go in still stands though I guess.
Okay, so Deep Sea Zone's boss is nice and all, but I didn't know that you could totally leave the arena if you wanted to (demonstration below).
Don't get me wrong, the inside of this place looks great. The outside is another story though.
I got a better idea. Go back to the old c-fail system and remove the c-fail causing change. The s-fail system is more annoying.
There's an idea that has already topped this, the devs are working on a newer (hopefully more stable) netcode, so you can play chaosmode without everyone synching out

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