
One person could also viewpoint the other players in Tag/H&S and show/tell the other person when he/she is it.

This is also possible if you use two computers (e.g. desktop and laptop; laptop next to desktop), even if they are in the same network. ;)
I had that in mind when I said "show/tell." ;p
You can also "sayto" to the IT person and tell them where everyone else is, so it's not like split screen online would be that much more of a cheat.
Maybe a MODCFG which is read before MAINCFG.

It basically specifies certain actions for each different mod by having a code like this (guestimation):
Mod Vanilla
Wad = "vmaps.wad, vmus.wad"

Mod SRB2Ride
Wad = "rmaps.wad, rmus.wad"
Probably some other functions as well.

This would allow map and character developers to change WADs for different mods without the player having to download multiple WADs and add them all separately. This will also avoid the use of Batch files and make it easier to add all necessary files at once with one WAD file. Heck, it might not even have to be a WAD file. But it may help for features such as skyboxes and slopes to be used while it also being compatible with vanilla SRB2.

So there's my suggestion.
*braces for it being ignored*
Potential cheating isn't the reason we have no splitscreen support online. It's a technical problem that from what I understand is not easy to fix, and doing all that work would only help a very minor percentage of our community.
I have a few unusual requests here.

#1: New textures. We could dreadfully use some new textures for designing stuff. Sure, we have a lot of versatility when it comes to nature themes, or factory themes, but what about things like cities? Besides the Dark City textures, which are pretty much useless and ugly.

#2: New Ambiances. We have a bunch of waterfall ones, and lava ones, and some pretty much useless Disco ones, but that's not much variety. In my opinion, things such as ambiances can be a beautiful touch to levels. Some suggestions I have are sounds like:
-Machinery Sounds
-More Machinery Sounds
-Even More Machinery Sounds
-Buzz (Such as the one that would come from a freezer, or pop machine)
-Rustling Foliage
-Alarm Bell
-Alien Noises
-Creaking Wood
-Insect Noises
Of course there are many other possibilities, but these just came to me off the top of my head.

Hmm, I had some more ideas, but I can't remember them anymore. Maybe later.

EDIT: Remembered one.

It came to my attention that Linedef 52, the continuously falling FOF, is horrible to use multiple times in one sector. For example, if I wanted to have a chute, from which multiple kinds of boxes would fall periodically, I'd have to set up an elaborate mechanism of different floor and ceiling heights. The reason for this is because the platform always starts from it's top, so if I give them all the same path, they'd be clumped together. I think the way this should be fixed is to make it work more like Linedef 60. Basically, 3 sectors, one that determines the topmost height, one that determines the bottommost point, and the main Control sector to determine the starting point.
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Wow, some suggestions that I actually agree with. =/

What about holding down in 2-D mode could make you crouch and repeatably pressing jump could make you rev up your spin dash?

It might need one more sprite for each character, but it's possible, right?
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Wow, some suggestions that I actually agree with. =/

What about holding down in 2-D mode could make you crouch and repeatably pressing jump could make you rev up your spin dash?

It might need one more sprite for each character, but it's possible, right?

Do you mean spin? Jump wouldn't be the best key because another action is used by the same button. (Fly, glide)
He meant holding the down arrow key (reverse) to make you crouch in 2D, then pressing jump (while crouching) would charge spindash. Like in the 2D sonic games.
How about a feature that will delete all WAD and SOC files from the game when you're joining another server? It's rather annoying to still keep restarting the game when you'll get TimeOut or C-Kick on the modified server.

EDIT: Another one, how about making CTF exclusive Thing Types that will hurt only one team? Like, having blue fire hurt only red team, but red fire only blue team. You could also make Linedef Specials such as lasers to do that work. Think about it, it could make the game interesting.
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Oh another suggestion.
Make HPZPLAT1 transparent like it is in the Sonic 2 Beta.

Edit: Hell, a larger texture variety for Hidden Palace would be great. Possibly a blue version of the wall based on the sky for it in SRB1 Remake.
A voting system of some sort for next maps.

Like, a voting message comes up sometimes in the game, maybe 500 points / 5 minutes from the game is over, with suggestions of maps that haven't been played recently.


Round is over soon, vote for next map!
1. *Map name*
2. *Different map name*
3. *Map name*
4. *Different map name*
Or maybe you could implement this voting system for when the Game Mode Map rotation has reached the final map.


Last Match map is reached, five minutes left in the game. This pops up:
Rotation is over, vote for next game mode!
1. Capture the Flag
2. Tag
3. Race
4. Hide and Seek
5. Team Match
6. Keep the same

And maybe use icons instead of text for the weapons used to kill player in the message bar.

Those are my suggestions are of right now.
I definitely agree with the map voting idea, especially since there's gonna be a LOT more multiplayer maps in 2.1. I don't really feel voting for the next gametype is necessary though, since some people prefer to choose one gametype to play alone, and constantly switching between gametypes will annoy the player.
I agree with the vote map and vote gametype idea as well. I was also thinking of a "Vote Scramble" as an option in Team Match or CTF. This could be useful if the host/admin isn't there, or if it was a dedicated server and again the host/admin isn't there.

Kinda like I've seen in TF2 where players would type in "!votescramble" in the chatbox.

And to expand a little bit on the "Vote Map" and "Vote Gametype" idea, maybe host could enable an option where players could start up a "Vote Map" or "Vote Gametype" session. Example on this: *Name goes here* has voted a map change! Yes or No?"

Just maybe to give more of a variety since now there is a whole lot more maps for 2.1.
He meant holding the down arrow key (reverse) to make you crouch in 2D, then pressing jump (while crouching) would charge spindash. Like in the 2D sonic games.
D'oh! I misread that!

A voting system would help improve online, but then the host would be in less control of things. What if the host doesn't want to play CTF and only wants to play match? The OPTION of allowing it(As Hinote suggested) seems to fix my complaint.

..But it sounds perfect for dedicated servers even without the option.
A voting system would help improve online, but then the host would be in less control of things. What if the host doesn't want to play CTF and only wants to play match? The OPTION of allowing it(As Hinote suggested) seems to fix my complaint.

..But it sounds perfect for dedicated servers even without the option.

Then there could be an option where the host can enable or disable this option of players voting a vote session.
Why do we have a separate object for Rings and Coins? It should be the same object, which would become coins in Mario Mode and rings everywhere else. Among other things, this would theoretically allow for a decent-looking NiGHTS Mario track, since a Circle of Wings and Rings would automatically become a Circle of Wings and Coins.
That's already possible. When playing as Tails, you can grab other people and fly them around with you.

Anyway, in Mario mode, it should play the "losing a life" fanfare from Super Mario Brothers whenever you die. As long as that doesn't happen, something is seriously missing from the Mario experience.

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