
I'd personally be okay with it if it was less of a speed boost and more of a midair redirection. As much as I don't like race thokfests, I still have to admit it's useful, hell, almost essential at points, in negotiating certain tight corners. If you ask me, thokspeed should be equal to or lesser than Sonic's actual top speed just to make straight-line thokking pointless.

As far as Tails and Knux advantages goes, well, that's more a level design issue than anything else. It's hardly impossible to make a race map that balances the pros and cons of all the characters - it's just that nobody ever bothers to do so.
This would be fine.
Agreed, mostly. Could the thok also have a cooldown period, to further prevent thokspam? It would only have to be 2-5 seconds.
The thing is, it doesn't work regardless of how it's suggested. SRB2 just doesn't work like that. See the previous topic for an explanation of why it doesn't work, I don't feel like repeating myself.

Mystic, as much as I respect you and all the work you've done, I have to call you out on this one. Digiku suggested that I make a post in the suggestions topic; and if you had total proof that this could not work, why didn't you post it in the original topic? Seeing as you did not post anything of the sort, how can you be repeating yourself? I am not questioning wheather this is possible, as I have full confidence in your programming knowledge, but I am questioning you. Again, I'm done with this conversation here, as I don't want to flood the topic with argruments, but I would appriciate a conversation in PM. Please contact me thusly.

Also, the above. I hate race because of how Sonic dominates it.
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I have full confidence in your programming knowledge
oh man

And TimberWolf, Tails and Knuckles suck everywhere except where they're overpowered. I generally don't forceskin Sonic so people don't lag behind as slow characters, I do it so nobody clears Arid Canyon in 30 seconds.
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I damn well DO have a right to complain when, as a member of this community, my fun is being ruined by a gameplay mechanic that CAN be fixed, than the Devs KNOW DAMN WELL can be fixed, but that certain Devs REFUSE to fix.

Well, we aren't exactly obligated to answer to every balance-related inquiry our community sends us. In fact, you're lucky we even look at all, most game developers wouldn't take a second glance.

You don't have a right to complain when you don't understand what goes into balancing a game so that things are fun to play. This isn't a simple "ok remove thok all done" issue. Levels would need redesigning, balance issues would still arise, and so on and so forth.

After weighing the pros and cons, we simply came to the resolve that it wasn't worth the effort. We just decided to keep consistency and simplicity, which for all intents and purposes, works great. Play as Sonic, if you want to do good at race. It's not our fault you want to exclusively play as Tails, as it's to your disadvantage in the long run.

So please, cut it out, TimberWolf.
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Guys, race will never be balanced because the abilities are completely unbalanced based on the level. If you remove the thok or gimp the thok, the result would be that Tails would then be the only character anyone would ever play in race, and you guys would all be whining eternally about the spindash-flight trick. Remove that and then some other character ability would end up over powered depending on the stage and the time of day. The reality is that our character ability system was not designed with race mode in mind, and it shows based on how different characters are fastest in different levels.

There is no way that a stage could be built where there is actual, legitimate balance between such wildly different abilities. One character would still, through all effort to balance it, end up as the "optimal" choice. There is a reason racing games always give all the characters the same abilities and just vary the stats a little for balance. If suddenly Luigi could fly and Peach could glide in Mario Kart, the gameplay balance would just go out the window, no matter how they designed the race tracks. Look at Diddy Kong Racing, it does this =P
But still, I hate it that Sonic's thok is so powerful. I mean, everytime I use Sonic's thok in some place I end up in a deathpit, or anything damaging, and thats annoying. Sonic's also absurdly hard to control and thats why I generally avoid playing as him. It could at least be toned a small bit.
You can't complain about Sonic's Thok being useless if you simply don't know how to use it. In the hands of the right player, it's the most powerful ability in the game.
Yeah, It is like me complaining about strafing, rail ring and mouselook. Just because I can't use it very well doesn't mean it should be dealt with
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Well, the spindash-flight trick is easy to understand but hard to perfect. The same thing holds true for the thok. It's easy to mash thok over and over again and go fast, but you'll go FASTER if you time your thoks properly and do it at the right point in the jump.

Everyone seems to think that thokking in race is a horrible thing. Thokking is what causes people to separate from the pack and gain a lead. The better you are at it, the farther in front you'll get, especially in harder stages like ERZ.
If you're inexperienced with him, maybe. You should see how some people maneuver with him. Either way, it's a valid tactic that is more than useful.
Yeah, I'm not very good with Sonic, so it's my own fault. I most usually use Knuckles anyway, his speed and control are balanced and his glide and climb ability are extremely useful in most places.
Something to let other players know when you're talking in a netgame. It gets REALLY annoying being hit/killed when I'm talking with someone, ESPECIALLY when some jackass says "doant takl paly", when a. Talking is kinda PART OF THE GAME (especially for CTF, Team Match and Co-Op), and b. When I'm asking the host a legimiate question that can't wait for the Intermission.
If you don't want to get hit, go somewhere where people won't find you.

If you can't find such a place, wait and talk once it's safe.

If you can't wait, remember you're playing a game. You're very often way too serious about everything.

And a personal note, it sounds like YOU'RE the jackass. The point of Match (and to an extent, CTF) is to shoot people. Not sit around and talk. If somebody shoots you in these gametypes, regardless of situation, they're doing everything right.

I don't get how you get killed in Coop, though. Do you sit around in a patch of Crawlas?

Also, improve the Weapons Rings. A lot of times, I shoot someone point-blank with Rail, Explosion, or Scatter, and they don't get hurt. Next thing I know, I'm being launched off a platform from a Red Ring.
If you don't want to get hit, go somewhere where people won't find you.
Tried. Kinda doesn't work when everyone is everywhere.

If you can't find such a place, wait and talk once it's safe.
Again, kinda hard when everyone is everywhere, or if what I need to say to the host (or teammates) has to be said right then and there.

If you can't wait, remember you're playing a game. You're very often way too serious about everything.
I hate having my fun interfered with. I can have fun, just not when I keep being hit by some dick while I'm talking to teammates or the host.

And a personal note, it sounds like YOU'RE the jackass. The point of Match (and to an extent, CTF) is to shoot people. Not sit around and talk. If somebody shoots you in these gametypes, regardless of situation, they're doing everything right.
Team Match and CTF. Team-based games. Teams need to talk to each other to coordinate things and win.

A LITTLE hard to miss a point-blank range, Neo.
There have been suggestions to add a Quake 3 style voice bubble above your head when you type, but even such a feature doesn't prevent people from hitting you when you're typing. When I play Quake 3 I always get this smug satisfaction with hitting people with the bubble above them. In SRB2, I always go with a "typing = free points" approach. If you're so concerned with not getting hit, don't type something. If you type, just accept you're taking the risk you might get hit.

The weapon ring collision detection is not known to fail at all, so if you're missing, you might want to aim better. At point range things move so fast it's quite possible to miss, even with Scatter. I have never had any issues with the weapon rings missing when it wasn't my fault.
The most common issue I have is pointing too high or too low and have the rings crash into the ceiling or floor. Because the rings are much bigger than standard "bullets", they hit a surface before being centered at where you aimed your crosshair.

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