Stuff to put in 1.09

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Sorry, but we need a lot more bosses, three is just not enough. And scenery, much more. Like some pipes for factories and deep grass or seaweed for deep sea zone levels.
If you think that's easy, by all means, do it.

I'm pretty sure the bosses were both drawn from scratch.
Boss 2 is a "cut and paste" of Boss 1, like Metalknux said.
He was? Doesn't look like it *cracks it open in Wintex for a better look*

Well look at that...I guess it's the new movement that's what makes it hard to tell or something, because I didn't even notice ^_^()
Yeah... But programming them could be harder... Isn´t it :? Maybe I´m not really good with textures... Maybe not making new badniks (because animate them is hard), but making some pieces of machinery is easier... :P If I could do something... I only need to know what to draw XD
Another thing to add (from other topic)

Names of users above their character, but in a limited fashion.
Users should be able to choose weather they want other players to
see their name, (Turning it on and off in a nutshell).

That way *pokes Mystic*, players would only "be able to turn 360 degrees until spotting another player and running in their direction"...

How about...


Oh wait. That would need slopes. How 'bout a Ristar-style secret level? That would PWN!!!
A CRC check on EVERY file SRB2 needs to run. Not just srb2.srb, every single thing. Stop those damn n00bs altering tails.plr and any other file they happen to enjoy altering =P
Pikawil said:
How 'bout a Ristar-style secret level? That would PWN!!!

Yeah. The NiGHTS level was very well done, and I think another Sega homage level would be neat.

*thinks of a "Super Hang-On Blast" level, followed by "Shinobi Robo Blast Zone"* :P
Hmm, the 3d 'wheel' I was thinking of would sorta work like the Ristar ball.
uh, Knuckles Metalmind, that's possible. I made a level where slime Eggo and you are inside a can, with a very slow crusher coming down to hurt you! HAHAHAHAAAA! Unless, of course, you defeat him within 36 sec.

And, AJ, I don't know how to use the Eggo trap sectors as-is, anyway.
It could be even cooler with a timer showed :P And large level in fron of you... Just like if you had to defeat a boss and then pass through Green Forest :lol:
Mystic? Why CRC Check everything? That would allow for more file size and stuff. And, you couldn't give out nice stuff like that 3drend.dll for christmas! And, patches wouldn't work and... *goes on blabbing about all the disadvantages about mysti's idea*
Patches would patch the exe too, so the CRC checks could also be patched. However, patches are hopefully a thing of the past. The patch nonsense during Final Demo 1.01-1.04 was responsible for a lot of headaches. Same with replaced files.

MD5 hashes are only 32 bytes each, and the code to calculate them is already there. Thus, the file size wouldn't be noticeably larger.
Oh, and there are such advantages. Like totally cheat-proofing the thing without source code alteration. It also stops this nonsense with hacking the exe, altering tails.plr to run faster, etc., because sooner or later, some n00b is going to alter his file and wonder why it crashes a netgame. Guess who will get the damn e-mail?
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