Stuff to put in 1.09

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I thought about that myself, so I could make a spinny thing for Sonic Golf. You are spot-on about it being hell to program, though. The render code is quite a mess at the moment. Heck, slopes might even be easier than that.
You could just rotate the flat image data rather than actually trying to DRAW them differently...

A441, you may find it useful to dig around in the "Eternity Engine" and "SMMU" Doom ports for ideas of features you want to add... they are mostly similar to Legacy in that they are still normal C and use the old routines.
SSNTails said:
You could just rotate the flat image data rather than actually trying to DRAW them differently...

If the rotate speeds are configurable, and several flats are rotating at once, that could use up an insane amount of memory. Plus, the rotated flats would no longer be square, would need to be coerced into squares somehow. Even then it wouldn't be smooth.

Rotating a flat once at the beginning of the level (e.g. so GFZ only needs one bridge image instead of two) would work, but I don't think that's what Tets was asking about. Allowing flips and rotations of 90, 180, 270 degrees is an idea worth considering, though.
I don't know about them, Mystic, but that's precisely what I was talking about. It would be a great complement to the scrolling effects.
More controls for netgames, such as the ability to specify a player to give/take rings to/from, sheilds, sp rings, lives, etc. I NEED CONTROL OF EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR WEENY LITTLE LIVES!!!
How about a more suitable waterfall animation for LWATER1? GFALL1 and CFALL1 are way too dark and BFALL1 looks way too 8-bitish
Generally when I've tried to lighten up water colors in SRB2 (for SASRB2), it always looks really... I dunno, off. The darker water color fits a lot better.
For once, I agree with JTE. More control in netgames, such as giving/taking shields or special rings would be cool. Binding a key to change the gravity from -5 to 10 is getting old...
There are enough multiplayer maps already, Megasonic. As for single player, Mystic Realm probably has the only levels even close to worthy, and it's not done. Besides, we don't want to ruin the triumphant moment when the single player game is finally finished.
More enemies... yes. :| That's the one thing SRB2 is lacking in it's current incarnation; mods will get old fast if all we have to use are crawlas, syns, detons and fish (and Eggman).
is it possible to make badniks out of 3d models? I recently unlocked the green hill stage in sa2 and I was very inspired by the 3D buzzbombers and the fish (guri guri's?) It would nice if the doom engine can pull those things off.
I do know that SRB2 (or Legacy, for that matter, I don't really know) has md2 model support. From what I understand, it's pants XD
That would be cool, but we need to think about the people who still use software mode. Since software mode uses the raycasting something-or-other engine, the game is essentially 2D and thus would not support 3D anything. It would be a cool addition to OGL mode though, which renders everything in actual 3D.

Like a441 said, you can prerender models as sprites and put them in SRB2 like that. Although I can't get this image out of my head of every badnik in the game looking like the current Knuckles sprite... *beaned*
Pikawil said:
How about a Robotnik boss with stretching arms? *gets boned*


Heh heh...
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