Stuff to put in 1.09

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maybe a way to play charaters wads in single player mode, and somehow make them appear on the charactor select screen.

Edit:holy crap, this is the first post of the 10th page!!!
No, silly! I mean things like "drain rings" applied to inside the sector instead of touching the floor. i.e. The normal way is if you touch the floor in a "Drain Rings" sector, then it will drain your rings, but I want an option so that if you are inside the sector, it will drain rings. Get my point? You can tag it to a linedef with an "inside sector" special. See?
A more ideal thing would be to have an 'inside sector' special, and use an intangible FOF to define what range in the sector you want it to occur.
I've got 2 suggestions.

1. Spikes that stay underground for a second, then pop out for a second, Kind of like the ones in some of the Sonic 2 levels.

2. Option to make people suicide when they change skin. This would be useful in netgames to keep people from just changing skins for each situation, like using Tails to fly up to where someone is, then chasing them down with Sonic. I say to leave it as an option for games where they want to be able to change skins for different situations.
FuriousFox said:
2. Option to make people suicide when they change skin. This would be useful in netgames to keep people from just changing skins for each situation, like using Tails to fly up to where someone is, then chasing them down with Sonic. I say to leave it as an option for games where they want to be able to change skins for different situations.

yesyes... this seems like a good Idea. 'cause some people abuse the Changing Characters thing *coughcoughSSGcoughcough*
Back in a netgame beta, you had to wait 30 seconds before you could change characters.
Wonder why that got removed?

In either case, the 30sec penalty is much better in my opinion
I was just playing a netgame, and I have to agree, the change skin thing is cheap. With CTF, if you change teams, you automatically die, a useful......thing, I can't think of any thing better. But that would be good to have in a netgame, as i have found from using it that changing skins at will with just a key press is very very very very VERY cheap. Okay, maybe not that cheap, but you get the point.
Yes it is very very cheap..

Hey look! I fell off a cliff! Better switch to Knuckles!
Hey look, I'm back at the top and am about to get shot by somone! Butter switch to Sonic!
That 30 sec penalty was awful. It got removed because it never worked right; you often could never change your character more than once. It also prevented you from changing your name or colour.

I will implement suicide on skin change, and it will be off by default. Changing characters is part of the game.

(Edit: actually I didn't do that. A better idea came to me ;)
The 30 sec penalty was great when it WORKED. The problem is simple: It didn't. We need something better than suicide on skin change, too.

I'm thinking a simple solution. An option to just turn skin changing off. If someone is abusing binds, the server can then just stop everyone from changing at all.
Me. :P

Personally I think that the invincibility music works much better with speed shoes and vice-versa. It's kinda weird having the old invincibility music take for speed shoes, and the current invincibility music suggests some warp speed, actually
Switch Invincibility and Speed Shoes music around :/
Invincibility is more awesome, and therefore deserves the cooler music.

It is already possible to turn skin changing off. The console command is allowskinchange, or allowchangeskin, or skinchangeallow, or changeallowskin, or skinallowchange, or sv_allowchangeskin, or something like that. But I don't understand why people can't get with the times and make their own binds already. Any restrictions on skin changing should be options and should be off by default.
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