Stuff to put in 1.09

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:P It's fun to walk backwards in 2D. I don't like that, though, as I can't just turn around and glide the way I would like...
- Stereo seperation on the ring sounds. (every offical Sonic game has got it, would be cake to add in theory) You know, pick up one ring, you hear it in the left speaker, pick up the next, it's in the right speaker, so on, so forth.

- Not sure how this would work, but maybe some kind of floor type or sector special... like, let's say you're placed in a room full of enemies. Destroy all the enemies in the sector, and... it activates a sector special or something, like a button, so a door opens. (Would provide some pretty neat oppertunities for secret areas, I think -- like, destroy all enemies in a level/room and a secret area opens up to the Chaos Emerald token. You could also make a PSO-like level with it, too ;P "DEFEAT ALL THE ENEMIES IN THE ROOM, THEN MOVE ON AND DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.")

Hm, I had a couple more, but they couldn't have been very important if I can't remember them.
I've thought about this a few years back... The problem with the stereo separation has to do with multiplayer. You can hear other people pick up rings (can you? It's been so long...), and if you did stereo separation for your own pickup, you couldn't tell if there was someone to your right or left picking up rings nearby.

It's kind of analogous in something like Quake to say, "hey, let's put a stereo separation on your footsteps!"
I never knew about the stereo separation. I don't own a TV with stereo speakers and never have, and I guess didn't notice it while playing the games with emulation.
That's up to the actual Legacy designers :P

How about a linedef special, that, when Sonic is in the target sector that's tagged to the linedef, the game would ignore all control input? It's like Sonic would follow a path movement in some way and the players would have no control over it!
Of course, when Sonic leaves the target sector, control input would be acknowledged again

I wouldn't say to put it as a sector sepcial, especially when some movement-inducing linedef specials already require a sector special (Wind, Speed pads, etc.)
You mean one. :P

How about... enemies can't enter the Exit Sector? Like, if an enemy tries to follow Sonic into the exit sector, the enemy would stop right at the invisible "wall" that separates the normal sector from the enemy sector

Sure, it would eliminate the funniness of a Jetty trying to harm me with its damned bullets, but at least it'd make the game a bit more... "official".
*nod*, you could just have an option for stereo ring seperation, is all. Make it force to Mono in multiplayer and have an option for stereo in singleplayer.
A few more suggestions, mon.

For Deaf'd Jetty's, make it so in every mode but Adventure, they'll still shoot bullets/bombs. That'd make a great replacement for the monkey bots in Emerald Coast

In light of the new Script feature of the new headers, I had a grand idea I thought would be possible: Real-Time Cutscenes (This ties in with the Ignore-Player-Input special I formulated). However, right now, it isn't possible, but with a few addition of commands...

Commands that plop in a new node: Like, (INSERTNODE). This would insert another controllable player (If a second controller is there) in the game. If there's only one person inputting control at the session, the node just... stands there. This would be marked with the usual PLAYER 1 mark.

Commands having to do with Sonic's movement: a441 already knows of this suggestion. These, accompanied with a value, would move Sonic. Like, for speed, (PLAYER_x_SPEED 128), where x being the number player that has to be controlled. 128 would be the maximum speed at which Sonic would run (Though he will still comply to his expected running speed).
Then there's distance (PLAYER_x_DISTANCE 64), with 64 being the number of units Sonic has to move. A negative number can also be defined, like -64, where Sonic would move 64 units backwards. Positive numbers would obviously signal for forwards movement. The SPEED variable would determine how fast he would go at maximum, so he'd still accelerate.
Next comes turning (PLAYER_x_TURN 644416), with 644416 being the angle at which Sonic has to turn. A negative number can also be defined, like -6635, where Sonic would turn right (In his perspective) to angle 6635. Positive numbers would obviously signal Sonic to turn left.
Then comes miscellanious, like (PLAYER_x_SPIN), where Sonic would spin, (PLAYER_x_JUMP), where Sonic would jump/thok/otherjumpspecial, and (PLAYER_x_THROWRING), where Sonic would throw a ring.
This would provide for extremely basic movement, but it'll do fine for cutscenes. If they're able to be combined (Like entering the distance and turn one after the other and Sonic would move while he turns), that'd be even better :P. It'd also be useful for practice bots

Console Command that determines placement of text area: This would control where the text area is. Kinda' similar to the ini-like command that has to do with cutscenes where the text area was defined. (TEXTPLACE_X 5235) or (TEXTPLACE_Y 423), perhaps? Values of 0 would place the area's position back to normal

Console Command that determines width/height of text area: Also similar to the ini-like command that has to do with cutscenes. This determines the width or height area that the text would appear so it wouldn't be restricted to such a small area :P. (TEXTWIDTH 545) or (TEXTHEIGHT 323), perhaps? Values of 0 would return the text area back to normal, so if there's to be anything smaller, negative numbers would be used.

Wav sound support (Console): Kinda similar to taunts. When specified in the console (PLAYWAV LUMPNAME), lumpname being the lump where the wav is stored, SRB2 would play the wav and not loop it. Useful for cutscene voices

Camera stop: A console command (CAM_STOP) completely stops camera movement, as if it was static. This would allow for players to run out of the camera without being followed. (CAM_START) would be the polar opposite.

Camera focus on certain player: A console command (CAM_FOCUS PLAYER_x) would tell the camera to focus on PLAYER X.
Digiku said:
A few more suggestions, mon.

For Deaf'd Jetty's, make it so in every mode but Adventure, they'll still shoot bullets/bombs. That'd make a great replacement for the monkey bots in Emerald Coast

In light of the new Script feature of the new headers, I had a grand idea I thought would be possible: Real-Time Cutscenes (This ties in with the Ignore-Player-Input special I formulated). However, right now, it isn't possible, but with a few addition of commands...

Commands that plop in a new node: Like, (INSERTNODE). This would insert another completely controllable skin in the game. This would be marked with the usual PLAYER 1 mark.

Commands having to do with Sonic's movement: a441 already knows of this suggestion. These, accompanied with a value, would move Sonic. Like, for speed, (PLAYER_x_SPEED 128), where x being the number player that has to be controlled. 128 would be the maximum speed at which Sonic would run (Though he will still comply to his expected running speed).
Then there's distance (PLAYER_x_DISTANCE 64), with 64 being the number of units Sonic has to move. A negative number can also be defined, like -64, where Sonic would move 64 units backwards. Positive numbers would obviously signal for forwards movement. The SPEED variable would determine how fast he would go at maximum, so he'd still accelerate.
Next comes turning (PLAYER_x_TURN 644416), with 644416 being the angle at which Sonic has to turn. A negative number can also be defined, like -6635, where Sonic would turn right (In his perspective) to angle 6635. Positive numbers would obviously signal Sonic to turn left.
Then comes miscellanious, like (PLAYER_x_SPIN), where Sonic would spin, (PLAYER_x_JUMP), where Sonic would jump/thok/otherjumpspecial, and (PLAYER_x_THROWRING), where Sonic would throw a ring.
This would provide for extremely basic movement, but it'll do fine for cutscenes. If they're able to be combined (Like entering the distance and turn one after the other and Sonic would move while he turns), that'd be even better :P. It'd also be useful for practice bots

Console Command that determines placement of text area: This would control where the text area is. Kinda' similar to the ini-like command that has to do with cutscenes where the text area was defined. (TEXTPLACE_X 5235) or (TEXTPLACE_Y 423), perhaps? Values of 0 would place the area's position back to normal

Console Command that determines width/height of text area: Also similar to the ini-like command that has to do with cutscenes. This determines the width or height area that the text would appear so it wouldn't be restricted to such a small area :P. (TEXTWIDTH 545) or (TEXTHEIGHT 323), perhaps? Values of 0 would return the text area back to normal, so if there's to be anything smaller, negative numbers would be used.

Wav sound support (Console): Kinda similar to taunts. When specified in the console (PLAYWAV LUMPNAME), lumpname being the lump where the wav is stored, SRB2 would play the wav and not loop it. Useful for cutscene voices

Camera stop: A console command (CAM_STOP) completely stops camera movement, as if it was static. This would allow for players to run out of the camera without being followed. (CAM_START) would be the polar opposite.

Camera focus on certain player: A console command (CAM_FOCUS PLAYER_x) would tell the camera to focus on PLAYER X.

1.Instering a node? What kind of node?
2.Jetty-Syns would NOT replace our almighty monkies!
3. Why not put in Sadam Housane as a playable character? ;)
4. What about Digi's early formula of Daytime-Nightime changes/ That would be GREAT, even if i would need a Global Time AKA Phantasy Star Online for Netgaming mode.
Wav sound support (Console): Kinda similar to taunts. When specified in the console (PLAYWAV LUMPNAME), lumpname being the lump where the wav is stored, SRB2 would play the wav and not loop it. Useful for cutscene voices

This reminds me of something I was going to suggest; if AJ/A441 ever puts/put in the feature to let you bind a skin-swap/skin-cycle/whatever to a button, like, say -- for a Sonic Heroes mini-mod (a small slice of scripting, perhaps some new music, and SASRB2 becomes HeroesSRB2!), playing the required sound for swapping to X character (for instance, "HEREWEGO!" when swapping to Sonic, "GOT IT!" when swapping to Knux, etc) would be a nice idea indeed.
Megasonic101/SRB2 said:
Wouldn't 1 player simutainouis character control be somewhat HARD to do in our engine?

Naaaah.... what would make it hard? Ever notice how much the uncontrolled characters bounce around in Heroes?
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