Stuff NOT to put in the next version

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ronin sanji

Okay, we already have a "stuff to put in 1.1" and "stuff to put in 1.1 part 2", but what do you think we shouldn't have in the next version of srb2.

Personally, I don't like homing rings, there just cheap and annoying.
ronin sanji said:
Okay, we already have a "stuff to put in 1.1" and "stuff to put in 1.1 part 2", but what do you think we shouldn't have in the next version of srb2.

Personally, I don't like homing rings, there just cheap and annoying.

Remember, Homing Rings are slow. If you move fast enough you can lose them. Besides, they have only 20 seconds of activity whereas others have 45.

I don't like the fact that the Techno Hill Zone boss is hard to attack with a thok. You normally bounce right off the edge. Solution? Raise the edges a bit. New people don't like dying like that.
ronin sanji said:
What about small maps?

If the map is small, it normally has walls to run the Homing Rings against. Think of them as really slow Detons.
There still annoying. For someone like me who is more of a brawler it sucks trying to hit someone when you're being followed.

EDIT: Consistency failures need to be removed.
Keep homing rings. They're hard to dodge, but they can only be used for 15 seconds and are very slow anyway, so it balances them out. As for Techno Hill Zone 3, newbies don't often think of soccing anyway, or else they might have probably figured out how to avoid falling off.

Also, I think this topic is unnecessary, as people post things to leave out in the other thread anyway.

ronin sanji said:
EDIT: Consistency failures need to be removed.
Obviously. Perhaps they're working on that, you think?
Okay... The boss in THZ3 should stay... It's like a challenge to hit him...

Seriously... This topic is not good, and you guys always need a challenge. :/
I was just saying that the sides of the arena could be heightened a smidgen.
"Okay... The boss in THZ3 should stay... It's like a challenge to hit him... "

Nah, it's a pain in the butt. There's a fine line between a challenge and a frustration and this crosses it IMO. Thing is, even if you know there's the danger of falling off and you take pains to aim carefully, you're still very liable to go flying off. Now, low walls in some areas and high in others, that would be a challenge :)

Couple of other things that got on my nerves more than anything else...there are way too many @#$%in' enemies in Castle Eggman! I can understand it's supposed to be difficult, but putting a mob of low-intelligence baddies in there changes the genre of the game to survival horror =P I literally entertained myself by lining them up and spin dashing into them to try to hit them all. The thing that makes this really annoying is that when you fall from a height out of spin, you know you're going to land on one, or else run into one a fraction of a second after you hit the ground, before having time to spin-roll, for lack of knowledge of the better term.

My prescription? Cut the number of baddies in half, at least. Perhaps make them faster to keep the difficulty where it's supposed to be. Change the command for spin-rolling from the -event- of pressing its respective button, to the -state- (i.e. if I know I'm gonna hit an enemy right after I hit the ground, instead of trying to time my press perfectly, I can just hold the button down and rest assured Sonic will roll into Señor crawla)

The one other thing that irked me was the Jetty-Syns. I do enjoy running from them, or 'jousting' as I like to call it, but after 10 or so passes without success I'd like to just not be attacked already. The problem, I believe, lies in the fact that destroying them is largely hit-or-miss. Making their collision mask just a bit larger would fix it perfectly.

/end wall of text.
This topic is pointless, methinks. You can just say "I don't want this" in the "Stuff to put in 1.1" thread. I'm sure SSNTails and friends don't want to search through TWO threads.
I agree wtih IB, but the solution to THZ3 is simple. Don't thok. How do you think Tails and Knuckles beat him. With foul language?
Not putting in more security to make sure a player won't cheat would be great. I'd rather not have the game ruined because of a waay too tight security, or all commands that could be considerd "cheats" removed, such as startlives and gravity.
Except that the security is great and prevents people from using SRB2 in idiotic ways when people want to play real games.
Actually, now that I think about it, who cares? It's friggin' Single Player, the only way it's going to affect anyone else is that they'll be able to play unlockable levels in multiplayer.

However, I would like to request that startrings be removed. Or hidden, in some way. It pisses me off when hosts do that to kill off any difficulty that my have existed at first.
Startrings was once a useful development tool so map makers didn't have to place rings all over their levels to gauge difficulte :/.
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