STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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Hyper Sonildow You can post a screen off change Character in wave ocean cause in the real game tails in wave ocean do found a switch for help sonic.
Are you finish W/A (White Acropolis) ???
Good job with the character change spot thing HS!

You know, it would really be helpful if SRB2 would let us change characters/colors while we're moving. I'm getting really tire of playing match as Tails with an enemy on my tail, and as soon as I get in a safe spot, I use a hot key to immediately change me into a silver Sonic and thok away. But I usually end up thoking before it has a chance to change my color which c-kicks me!
Aw, you took out the other part of the HUD. ;~;.

I'm going to find voice clips for hint boxes now. If... you need them.
Okay, I replayed it on a faster computer on OpenGL mode.
Still, I'm not that impressed. I didn't have any fun on the levels at all. Not that they were BAD, it just didn't give me that kind of fun feeling when playing other levels. I DO have to give you cred for the Zoom tube use, good idea man. But it wasn't FUN, and it wasn't something I enjoyed much.

Score: 5/10. (Average. 5/10 sounds low, but it's about middle)
Nathan Speed said:
Okay, I replayed it on a faster computer on OpenGL mode.
Still, I'm not that impressed. I didn't have any fun on the levels at all. Not that they were BAD, it just didn't give me that kind of fun feeling when playing other levels. I DO have to give you cred for the Zoom tube use, good idea man. But it wasn't FUN, and it wasn't something I enjoyed much.

Score: 5/10. (Average. 5/10 sounds low, but it's about middle)

Meh.. I don't care about that old beta anymore, It's all about the new beta now. That level only has like 7 and a third level, It's about 9 levels on the new beta! I added more paths to W/O pt 1 and 2 and the mach speed. I finished the end of dusty desert but added a hard part to it. (quicksand((not that fast though))) The mod should be fun and cool now.
I added a new HUD, multi paths, new sprites (and fixed sprites), new levels and a script. I'm thinking after W/A I'm going to start on Crisis City. W/A is too easy too make. It took me a total about 7 hours to get half of it done! I guess I'm going to have to start on crisis city.
If it's not done before December then I'll release it about then. Oh and I might be gone for a while before I start playing SRB2 again. Everyone has heard of "Sonic Unleashed" right?
Nathan Speed said:
Okay, I replayed it on a faster computer on OpenGL mode.
Still, I'm not that impressed. I didn't have any fun on the levels at all. Not that they were BAD, it just didn't give me that kind of fun feeling when playing other levels. I DO have to give you cred for the Zoom tube use, good idea man. But it wasn't FUN, and it wasn't something I enjoyed much.

Score: 5/10. (Average. 5/10 sounds low, but it's about middle)

Meh.. I don't care about that old beta anymore, It's all about the new beta now. That level only has like 7 and a third level, It's about 9 levels on the new beta! I added more paths to W/O pt 1 and 2 and the mach speed. I finished the end of dusty desert but added a hard part to it. (quicksand((not that fast though))) The mod should be fun and cool now.
I added a new HUD, multi paths, new sprites (and fixed sprites), new levels and a script. I'm thinking after W/A I'm going to start on Crisis City. W/A is too easy too make. It took me a total about 7 hours to get half of it done! I guess I'm going to have to start on crisis city.
If it's not done before December then I'll release it about then. Oh and I might be gone for a while before I start playing SRB2 again. Everyone has heard of "Sonic Unleashed" right?

Wait, wait, wait... are saying that you finish White Acropolis??
STHE123O said:
Ohh ok... I can´t wait!

Can you put an image from Tails´ Wave Ocean part?

I'm at drumming practice at church( I can't play really well on a drum set) I might post it tomorrow. I got it done though, but I'm at church right now. I won't be back til' (I don't know everyones time zone so I'll put....) 3 hours.
look what Astar said to me:

astar private messege said:
hey, I don't have much time. Tell Sonildow that I can't do it. I got grounded. And unless he wants to wait 2+ weeks, he needs to get someone else.

I think that the people can´t be in the next beta...
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