STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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Silent_Snipe said:
If this is the real next gen mod
i demand loading screens, apart from that this is coming along nicely.]

We want it to be BETTER than the game, not incorporate the bits that ruined it >.>
Silent_Snipe said:
No the loading screens made it best seller =P.

Which is why IGN gave it a 10/10.

If the visual errors could be fixed up, this mod would be an amazing remake. I don't see how I could contribute, unless Sonic had a voice...
Heres a question i would like answering, will this mod only contain coop level or will there be ctf, match, and race levels to?
Silent_Snipe said:
Heres a question i would like answering, will this mod only contain coop level or will there be ctf, match, and race levels to?

I highly doubt it, since this is a mod of Next-gen. Of course, that's completely up to the creator.
I wish laggs doesn't exist ,because it is ruining the mod big time! In software mode it still looks horrible which sucks for software players (sorry for you guys). In opengl it looks great, except sometimes the level ripps itself like in wave ocean mach speed zone when you're about to jump on the spring where the bridge is at it ripps ,but when your closer it builds up again, wtf?!
Sadly ,dusty desert is lagging because of how gigantic the level is, but not that much, yay for not lagging much, and I added some more loops to wave ocean zone 1 which is not that bad, in the game it has three but on srb2 it has two ,so yeah got two loops now.
New City still looks great heres a screenshot of how far I got.

Lol ,yes it is the first part of the level, and like the rest is all red walls. Anyway, im so happy how far I got into the mod, I still got some of New city, White acropolis, Crisis city (OMG), Flame core (OMG again), Radical train, Soleanna forest, Tropical jungle , Kingdom valley, and Aquatic base. WOW good luck to me :O
I like how this is coming along. Only problems I see are the lag, Bad Graphics in Software Mode and the fact that the Desert is nothing but the Egg Slimer with no music.
Donovan the hedgehog said:
You still have some, want me to point out them?

EDIT: WWAAHHTT! How did you post 2.34 seconds before me!

Who knows? Maybe he somehow saw it coming and wanted to scare you lol.

Edit: You can hardly get through the Mach Zone before it freezes on you in OpenGL
Lol ,yes it is the first part of the level, and like the rest is all red walls. Anyway, im so happy how far I got into the mod, I still got some of New city, White acropolis, Crisis city (OMG), Flame core (OMG again), Radical train, Soleanna forest, something forest (i forgot), Kingdom valley, and Aquatic base. WOW good luck to me :O
There isn't a second forest level. It's Tropical Jungle. I hated that one with sonic, but Blaze's was fun.
Ok what I've added to wave ocean mach speed level were some zoom tubes. What they were used for was the sticking to the wall thing, where sonic he sticks on the wall, and he jumps, (but on srb2 you don't have to jump it,goes automattically.) screenshots.

There, you have it!
I have the registered version of FRAPs, which records SRB2 beautifully on my computer. No offense, sonic260.
Silent_Snipe said:
I would still prefer it if other game modes was supported in this mod after single players finished.

I could work on match maps if thats what you mean.
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