STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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Autosaver said:
Maybe we like it?

Its actually better then 3/4 of all the crap we have here.

I'm sorry, but I cannot belive this, at all.

All of the levels are very poor, and filled with bugs which could be easily fixed. On top of that, they are all extemely frustraiting. I'm currently working on my version of Dusty Desert, to help show HYPER SONILDOW what this could be, but until then, I cannot agree with this.
Chrome said:
Autosaver said:
Maybe we like it?

Its actually better then 3/4 of all the crap we have here.

I'm sorry, but I cannot belive this, at all.

All of the levels are very poor, and filled with bugs which could be easily fixed. On top of that, they are all extemely frustraiting. I'm currently working on my version of Dusty Desert, to help show HYPER SONILDOW what this could be, but until then, I cannot agree with this.

Its my opinion...really
I had some fun with this but yeah there is some bad parts.
I disliked the flame city place,it should be called "Zoomtube city"

Am I like the ONLY ONE that has not been
experiancing bugs/lag in software & OpenGL?
I'm using vista with a total of 92gb out of 140 left and not even one bit of lag.

When I use software mode on this mod, all those graphical issues you guys are talking about...
I don't see any at all.
SilverESP said:
I'm using vista with a total of 92gb out of 140 left and not even one bit of lag.

When I use software mode on this mod, all those graphical issues you guys are talking about...
I don't see any at all.

I don´t see the bugs too! I can use software and open GL, but I use open GL
He didn't even ask for help, so why are you voting on it? Stop this mess right now. If he wants help, he will have to find out some way of getting it.
Torgo said:
He didn't even ask for help, so why are you voting on it? Stop this mess right now. If he wants help, he will have to find out some way of getting it.

Well. He DID ask for my help at the start of this.

So I think I should still be helping him.
To be completely honest here theres nothing special about this mod that makes me want to download it, maybe if he made some of his own original levels then i might consider it.
Silent_Snipe said:
To be completely honest here theres nothing special about this mod that makes me want to download it, maybe if he made some of his own original levels then i might consider it.

HS can do mods about Sonic games if he want
STHE123O said:
Silent_Snipe said:
To be completely honest here theres nothing special about this mod that makes me want to download it, maybe if he made some of his own original levels then i might consider it.

HS can do mods about Sonic games if he want

Yes, but mods based off of Sonic games tend to suck for several reasons, the big one being because the original game it's based off of sucked. Torgo (or was it someone else? I think anyone with a good sense of what fun levels are would agree with this point) made quite a point when he said that it's stupid to think that you can port a crappy Sonic game like '06 over to SRB2, and think it'll magically be better. It doesn't work that way. Sonic games run on engines superior to the Doom engine SRB2 runs on (even '06 and ESPECIALLY the Hedgehog Engine Unleashed runs on) so it's anything but a good idea to think that a crappy Sonic game will run in SRB2 better.
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