You just contradicted yourself. Either it functions at 1920 x 1080 or it doesn't. Pick one. This sentence makes no sense.
I was saying how, clearly, if some people have expressed the problem here, it's not working in
their case. I never had any problems with the game
myself. Doesn't mean I can't talk about the issue.
Did you happen to overlook the previous post in the topic that linked an optimized executable to try? Did you also notice that it was a developer that identified the problem? Did you also notice it was a developer who supplied the patch?
Posts like yours are far more aggravating than the post you are trying to criticize. You overlook important information to try and argue a point when your point has already been addressed and resolved, and the post was providing additional information. It is very insulting to me that you would overlook that the team went ahead and addressed your concerns already to try and make a point about how we handle our game when we do our damndest to try and correct for errors like these.
And by the way, the source is public, so if you wanted to go and look through and see what part of the renderer was causing it, that would have been a far more productive use of your time (and far more beneficial to the project because we do actually pay a good amount of attention to what people contribute, contrary to popular belief) than trying to shoot down a post providing a little bit extra insight and tries to at least temporarily remedy the problem.
I did not overlook Mystic's previous post. I even said how it was enough to help in case the problem was indeed caused by too high a resolution, and I acknowledged that it was made clear that the game does not scale well with resolution, and a fix was already supplied (I am using it and I am thankful for that). I have nothing against that. That post was spot on. It was helpful to all users.
I was answering to the post added
after that, which was not "providing additional information" nor "a little bit extra insight" unless you consider Mystic's resolution preferences additional information.
Again, you are ignoring pertinent information to try and make a point. Nobody was blaming anyone for anything. Mystic was making a general statement that actually helps some people who are experiencing framerate issues we may not otherwise be able to account for. There's no blame being presented here. And also, it's important to note that many game developers for PC will go and suggest reducing visual intensity when there are framerate issues. It's pretty common, and trying to pretend otherwise is rather ignorant.
Again, you don't seem to have read what I posted. I am not ignoring anything. I am not saying that people with framerate issues should force themselves to keep the highest resolution possible (it doesn't matter that I would prefer to do so), or that reducing resolution to achieve better performance is unheard of. By all means, if it's unplayable slow, go ahead and lower the resolution. I am just saying that these framerate issues, as already noted by some people, are not only dependent on the resolution, but it seems to be on a per-machine basis, and that is an issue, and I shouldn't be
forced to use a lower resolution than the one I want just because "this one desktop computer in my room has this issue with SRB2 but that other old laptop, despite being older, runs well at full res".
Of course lowering the resolution helps performance in any case. Of course do that if the framerate is too low. But it shouldn't be random which machines it is too low on to start with.
Hold on there tiger, that's not how things work, and this is where you go totally off the deep end.
You should be aware that there is an upper limit to what rendering resolution software has and breaks down after that (I admit to not knowing the exact numbers off my head, but it does exist). There is no known way to fix that and no real reason to either because it's pretty high. This is an inherent restriction of the renderer, and the closer you get to that resolution, the more the renderer breaks down, including framerate issues. At no point can we ever guarantee that we can make the game work on "all of them". It literally can not. We support what we can, and the rest is just going to be hit or miss. Again, if you take issue with this, you are welcome to take a crack at fixing all of software's issues, or making OpenGL function. But we're a volunteer team and our time is better spent completing the game, not trying to fix any and all software issues that you may or may not encounter. We fix the major ones and do everything within reason to keep the game playable. That should be more than adequate.
I clearly stated I do not "take issue" with how the game runs. I said I don't know anything about the inner workings of this software. I never blamed the dev team for not working on fixing this, but actually expressed how I don't know what's being done (other than this patch). No, I won't just attempt at fixing this myself, because I do not know how to do that, and because volunteer or not it should be the dev team to attempt that. "Why don't you fix it then?" isn't really a reply to give to any user of your product.
I understand that each renderer has its own limitations. That makes perfect sense and is the reason why scalability might be an issue. I am not asking for the game to run at 4K nor to run on a 1995 machine. That's not what I meant by "all of them". I simply meant that if this particular 2006 PC can indeed run 1080 fine, it is not a renderer limitation that's forcing some people with perfectly capable computers to lower their resolution, instead of being able to use the ones up to 1080.
This right here pisses me off the absolute most. You outright acknowledged that we fixed the issue. We provided the damn patch. And you go on a rant about something so basic and insignificant as changing resolution to see if that helps? Why? There was no justification to try and call someone out on something like this.
Again, the rant wasn't about changing the resolution itself. That is not the problem. The problem is having to do that on these people's PCs while others, better- or worse-specced, run it fine. And once again, I was replying to Mystic's post right above mine, which was completely unneeded after the one before. I don't care what resolution he prefers and I don't like how he's basically saying that if for some reason my PC happened to be one with framerate issues (again, not related to the power of the machine), it would be my fault if the game ran slowly at a perfectably acceptable resolution.
Asserting that he's being dishonest here is a very poor move on your part.
This I will admit, I am sorry. I understand my opinion isn't universal nor it has to be anyone else's opinion, and his was different, and he was being sincere about it.
I should have worded that whole sentence differently, because my issue with that was how Lat' expressed his own opinion and Mystic's post contained a direct quote of that and was basically a "no, what you said is false". But now I realized that my answer to that was basically the same, I should've probably written that
I find it awful and stopped there.
What triggered me was that by saying that it "does not look afwul" Mystic himself seemed to ignore that that, too, was only his opinion, and one that whoever might be looking for a fix to be able to play
at high resolution probably doesn't share.