<a href="http://www.dapper.net/transform.php?dappName=SonicRoboBlast2MessageBoard&transformer=RSS&extraArg_title=Post_Header&extraArg_description[]=Poster_Name&extraArg_description[]=Poster_Title&extraArg_description[]=Post_Header&extraArg_description[]=Post_Body&extraArg_link=Post_Link@href&variableArg_0=2">
SRB2MB example RSS feed URL</a>
note: tried to use URL BBcode, but it just bork the whole URL
made from http://www.dapper.net/dapp-howto-use.php?dappName=SonicRoboBlast2MessageBoard
change the last number in the url to make it point to a different topic.
SRB2MB Super Smash Bros Braw RSS feed URL
SRB2MB example RSS feed URL</a>
note: tried to use URL BBcode, but it just bork the whole URL
made from http://www.dapper.net/dapp-howto-use.php?dappName=SonicRoboBlast2MessageBoard
change the last number in the url to make it point to a different topic.
SRB2MB Super Smash Bros Braw RSS feed URL