I say, we get a lot of these SRB2JTE help topics, so a sticky would be in order. I can start off, if you don't mind. Cheerio, ol' chap? ;<
Places to check before asking questions related to SRB2JTE:
SRB2JTE Webspace - Download Link included.
SRB2JTE Wiki Article - Lots of information inside. Also has a FAQ.
SRB2JTE Wiki Talk Page - Guests will ask for help here. If you got an answer to their problem, be a pal and give 'em a hand.
Please make sure you've checked these links thoroughly before asking us questions. Some of us get irritated when we get redundant questions. Often, the wiki FAQ will have the answer you're looking for.
If you can't find any info there, then by all means, ask for help in this thread.
<_< >_>
So, how does that intro work?
Places to check before asking questions related to SRB2JTE:
SRB2JTE Webspace - Download Link included.
SRB2JTE Wiki Article - Lots of information inside. Also has a FAQ.
SRB2JTE Wiki Talk Page - Guests will ask for help here. If you got an answer to their problem, be a pal and give 'em a hand.
Please make sure you've checked these links thoroughly before asking us questions. Some of us get irritated when we get redundant questions. Often, the wiki FAQ will have the answer you're looking for.
If you can't find any info there, then by all means, ask for help in this thread.
<_< >_>
So, how does that intro work?