cyan the hegdefox Cyan Aqua Sep 26, 2010 #1 I don't know how to get sonic robot blast 2 on the wii help me please.
EternallyAries That Aries Title Sep 26, 2010 #3 Thats not vary helpful Kirblord23. In order to put SRB2 on your wii. You will need some stuff to get started. SD card HomeBrew If you have all that you can read this faq on how to get started.
Thats not vary helpful Kirblord23. In order to put SRB2 on your wii. You will need some stuff to get started. SD card HomeBrew If you have all that you can read this faq on how to get started.
AirFox That Twisted Metal Nerd Sep 26, 2010 #4 you have to search all kinds of instuctions but its not hard its like right there in front of your face (google this:how to get homebrew)
you have to search all kinds of instuctions but its not hard its like right there in front of your face (google this:how to get homebrew)