SRB2-Town: before the official start of the second series

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Sik said:
And by the way, bad news: no scanner CD until at least next Tuesday :(
I have to scan at least the first chapter, color it, make the page and send it to Spazzo. Until then, forget about it. But like I said, CD may be ready this Tuesday. I hope that's true.

EDIT: Tails92 was right, I could just have downloaded the drivers from Internet :P (and I did) OK, now just wait until I have all files ready and vòila.
Sik said:
Stupid question, based on your comments in this topic, are you Zash?

Ash said:

Even so, I still don't know if I'm in it, and if I am; what role do I play (hero, villain, NPC, whatever), what do I actually do, etcetera.

Mikesword122, that was posted one page ago, and I wasn't expecting you to post the same question that was asked by you or someone else earlier, and answered already to start a new page. It just happens a lot; whereas you can note 3 to 6 posts made by you on any given page on almost any current topic. Isn't that kind of excessive? I think so. The only other person to do that was SMS, and look at where he is now.
Ash, that I didn't answer your post doesn't mean I didn't read it. And also, it's that kind of conduct what lead me to make you like that in the first series. And I must remind you that you acted like a stupid when Akira for some reason decided to put you as moderator of the Akira Software boards. Didn't take long until we banned you.

Now stop doing that like Mike says and don't post anything at all unless it's really important.
Wait, I was banned from Akira Software? o.o That was a long time ago, and I don't even remember posting there; yet I was banned for no reason. Cool.

@Sik & Mikesword122
Now, let me write. And yes, this is quite important.
Sik said:
Now stop doing that like Mike says and don't post anything at all unless it's really important.

Excuse me? Wait, how does this make sense without being contradictory to almost every post in every subforum? First off, where do you get the authority to tell me I have to stop because it's not important? Sure, I'll agree that it isn't that important, but is anything in this topic important? Does this HAVE to be done? Is it of the utmost priority that this statement is to be made? No.

Sik said:
Ash, that I didn't answer your post doesn't mean I didn't read it. And also, it's that kind of conduct what lead me to make you like that in the first series.

You have to make at the very least some leeway for my age back then. But, as I recall, I didn't post ANYWHERE NEAR LIKE THIS back then. Have you actually read any of my posts other than the ones in this topic? I highly doubt it. Now, on behalf of the fact that you read my post and did not answer it leads me to believe you're rude. As funny as it may sound, I actually have manners, and take them very seriously. If you can't answer someone's question when asked, then you lack respect for that person (it's one of the 'golden rules' inside the Book of Etiquette, which is a real book believe it or not). If you lack respect for that person, it acts like Karma; you get onto you what you do to others. If you cannot give another person respect, they do not have to give respect for you, and you have absolutely no right to even try to make it otherwise. That's how tyranny works: Dictators and monarchs often use fear for power and respect, and do not give anyone else any in return. I doubt you actually like that concept, but although distant; it's actually very related to what I have stated above, if you have the patience to read it. If you also lack patience, you possess more ignorance and closed-mindedness than others who have vice-versa.

On the case of me supposedly being a burden by posting things that are not in fact important (and I agree to that being a truth [rather than you posting something in contrast to what you told me]), I will not conform. You expect me to stop posting because to my inconvenience mikesword122 constantly... repeatedly creates a surmountable communicative boundary by causing minor and annoying discord by unnecessary posting, and am addressing it? I'm not sure you understood what you had said. Hell, I didn't even understand. How am I to know what someone means without specifying details? It's like people here posting help topics similar to the famous quote, "My car is broken. Fix it!" He says, "Just stop doing that." Well hm, let's see. That can attain to many different things, such as posting, posting with correctly used grammar, posting with meaning and thought, thinking, reading, stating the obvious, stating the truth, asking questions, proving others wrong, proving others correct, proving my own point, discussing anything of any kind, and the list goes on, and on, and on. Now, I ask you two, yes, Sik and Mikesword122, are all of your posts 'important'? If you answer yes to that, you're a liar, and have blatantly lied to everyone in the community.

Let me review: (P.S., this isn't a review of the post. If you just skip to this part, you're ignoring the actual essence of my thoughts on what you said, Sik and Mikesword122.)
Subforums that are deemed unimportant (ones that do not effect the main development of the game in any way, and are only a luxury for users):
Everything in Off-Topic;
Sonic The Hedgehog
Video Games
General Discussion

Everything in Editing;
Editing Help

Everything in Releases except for the announcements (but if you remove the actual releases, the announcements are unnecessary);

This is a privilege to have, not a right. We don't have to have the ability to converse, and only discuss the game. Some communities actually do that, and are doing pretty well considering the lack of what makes some forums 'fun' to visit and post on. Editing and Releases? Don't need them. We could easily have a separate, unmoderated, and unofficial website for doing as such; the STjr staff doesn't have to openly encourage users to play around with all customizable features of SRB2. Sure, if you think about it in the long run, fan-made games often live off of the heartbeat of the users supporting it, but that can be done without the unimportant stuff. If you only had 'important' items on SRB2, and about SRB2, it would be quite boring, right? Also, is SRB2 itself 'important'? Ponder about that question for a while, and see if your mind tells you the correct answer.

Now, I ask you: How can you even consider you can tell me to just stop posting unless it's important? You both know as well as I do that you don't always post 'important' items. On top with that, anyone with eyes can see that mikesword122 is posting just to post [if you know what I mean]. I know I don't post 'important' stuff, and I know now that I never really did, but neither did you two... Neither did anyone! Are you mad? I still don't believe what I heard; to stop posting and only post if it's 'important'. That's laughably ironic, ignorant, and screams the word floccinaucinihilipilification.
Unless you can prove your point, I'm not going to stop posting, and am going to continue to mingle with the other users of this board; meet acquaintances, make friends, discuss things, complain about things, do whatever and just play some damn SRB2. That's what this forum is all about. Thats why I keep coming back. That's why it's so awesome. Sadly, what keeps pushing people away (mainly newbies with potential, oldbies that miss the old order of things here, and people that have been here for a little while, but cannot take the asinine behavior) is people like you two: noobs in only mikesword's case, but in both of your cases, people that think they are better than other people for no reason. How can people be that way? You're going against what every sensible and benevolent person (which I assume you two are regardless of what I have stated) wants to be realized: That everyone is equal. No country has been able to reach that kind of attitude toward people in general (because if one had already done so, we might be one step closer to world peace, but we couldn't be any further from that goal (also, lets be honest; America has that as its best interest at heart, but it doesn't always stay true to that. Example: Segregation, the Chinese exclusion act, etc. (if you notice something, America changes it's policies a lot, and even if certain people are allowed to be in America without problem, people in the country still tend to be racist and stereotypical. Example: Rich vs Poor (not only in this country, btw), WASP vs Minority (back in the old times), or just Race vs Race))), so just because a country can't do it, why can't we intellectuals do it? It's always e-penis points, popularity, postcount, and intelligence vs intelligence with you guys. If it's not that, you use SRB2 to determine who's 'better'. I mean come on.

Now, please give me an answer: Why do you believe you can tell me to not post anything other than what I feel is of the utmost importance, if you cannot do the same yourself?
...Ok.I meant stop making me feel like the odd man out and I am not a noob I am a newbie but not a noob.
mikesword221 said:
...Ok.I meant stop making me feel like the odd man out and I am not a noob I am a newbie but not a noob.

Thank you for proving my point. Can I ask you a question? Did you read my post? If you did, please, please give me your thoughts on it in at least one good paragraph, and answer the question I stated above what may be the single longest post I have ever made here, with the best intentions out of all of my epic walls of text. It'd be cool if you didn't easily prove my point, but... I sort of expected a tl;dr in a different form from you, and it not only disappoints me and wishes that you could do better, but it also makes me question the intelligence of the board overall, and realize one of the reasons why so many oldbies left.
Yea I looked at it and that was long and no I can't tell you post anything other then the up most importance.
Ash said:
Now, please give me an answer: Why do you believe you can tell me to not post anything other than what I feel is of the utmost importance, if you cannot do the same yourself?

Simple, this is Sik's topic about Sik's comic. Was Ash in that sentence?
mikesword221 said:
Yea I looked at it and that was long and no I can't tell you post anything other then the up most importance.

Okay. Then why did you ask me to do as such before? God, I just keep proving my point more and more... I'm just waiting for Sik's response.
Then please specify what you actually mean, mikesword122! ... Rather than continuously posting the least amount possible. Typing a little more doesn't hurt, and the community isn't against it in any way.

To people wondering what we're talking about, go one page back...
Well theres real nothing to post about that other then the points you made which I see only two of them directed at me.But I don't really like to post long cause well I'm not that fast at typing.And I don't have spell checker so I try to make my post has short has possible.Wow that was long.
I quite agree that Ash has every right to post unimportant things. Almost everything on this board is unimportant; SRB2 isn't even that important if you think about it. mikesword122 (lol at the name misspell <_<) is only posting to raise his post count. I used to do this a lot. It's becoming increasingly annoying. I know Ash better than I know mikesword122, so naturally I'm going to take his side, but even if I didn't, Ash's defense makes more sense.

Also, Ash's grammar makes more sense,considering mikesword122 insists on typing like this without spaces in the periods.If he could just work on that,I'd respect him a lot more.
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