SRB2 Riders v1.46.4X (srb2riders.exe)

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When I use the EXE and play time attack (SinglePlayer I think it just only displays time attack), after every map I go to map 9 it plays this music different to the title screen, but the screens black.
(bug) I dont know if anyone said this but in metal city on the third ramp, if your on the edge and go on the spring you fall down and get stuck there. Is there anywhere to get out. I been stuck there a lot of times. kthxbye
Two more odd bugs.

In Metal City there's just this wall that doesn't look like it should be there.

In Dark Desert, if you jump over the red springs at the beginning, you can find this there. Part of the level seems to cover up Sonic and there's a graphical glitch in the background.
I don't like the Babylon tracks. Not because they're nothing like the ones on the Gamecube, but actually because they're bland and aren't "epic" enough. Also, it's possible to go backwards on a few of them, which shouldn't be possible at all.
I'll Begin said:
I don't like the Babylon tracks. Not because they're nothing like the ones on the Gamecube, but actually because they're bland and aren't "epic" enough. Also, it's possible to go backwards on a few of them, which shouldn't be possible at all.
They're just simple maps, to avoid the long, complex set of maps. Although I've been wanting to give the maps more scenery, I just can't find the time.

I'll try going backwards on the maps, although it still doesn't sound possible.
I was playing with Maniac yesterday, and he said that the Shadow-Rider was the fastest rider, faster than Sonic. I checked out the Sonic-Rider wad, the Shadow-Rider wad, and the Rider's maps wad. Sonic turned out to be faster, between being able to thok, and other minor details. Not to mention that the Sonic Rider is just sprite replacements for Sonic.

So if Shadow is the "fastest" Sonic-Rider, and he is slower than the default Sonic, why do people use the characters at all?
There's usually a single riders server every day with 2 to 5 joiners, so go and find out. Look for netgames with the exe version 1.46.1 instead of the 1.09.4 ones. It's usually the same people on the same servers anyway.
Well, congratulations. It appears that this is the largest topic in the entire forum.

I played though it (again), and I found that in Night Chase, you use OpenGL lights. The problem is, the tunnel isn't dark enough for them to have a more successful effect. It just ends up looking like huge white blots on the ceiling. =|
How are you guys planning to add the ability system? I think you could have power by using automatic busting block ability in knux's S_Skin, but that might not work...
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