SRB2 Riders v1.46.4X (srb2riders.exe)

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I took care of Sonow Hakura's (presumably accidental) triple post. Generally if you see two or more identical posts from the same user it's probably unintended. If it were truly a spam attempt I'm sure it would have gone on for at least a page before somebody realized it.

The moral of the story is that next time you see something like this, don't reply in the way Ninja the Hedgehog did.
Could someone post a link to the sonic riders wad(s) so i can download them? I'll test it and give feedback or something...

I-i mean. Nor does your eyes. Read the previous posts in this topic. We get a rush of people not being able to run it every few pages, so you'll find help if you look on the previous page.
Chaos said:
There may never be one! *killed*

As a side question, I'll eat the cookie for whoever doesn't want it.

No next version?

Anyways, Let Draykon have it so we can get the next version...unless he changes his mind...
Well, according to several random netgames I've seen, SRB2Riders is better off without an EXE. So, once again, I'm retiring from the team.

Evidently, the people who play SRB2Riders completely disregard my being as a programmer, and as a human. Such people are unnaffected by this decision. I'm not gonna waste my time programming if everyone's gonna completely disregard my work, and just ignore the EXE.
Draykon said:
I'm not gonna waste my time programming if everyone's gonna completely disregard my work, and just ignore the EXE.

I feel the same way at times. It's rather annoying to see people use a diffrent exe that uses similar physics to what your exe can provide.
Honestly, I say this project should be canned. It's ok, but not amazing, and it's just gathering useless spam, as of now.
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