SRB2 Riders v1.46.4X (srb2riders.exe)

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I think you all remember the Invader Zim character from Version 1.09.3 and below.

I am making a riders version of him. He will be an addon to the game (As in he doesn't come with the pack itself).


As you see he uses the latest board sprites, I might change the colour of his board . He finally has movement sprites (As I am getting into sprite editing). He will have wav sounds, but not nearly as annoying as in his original character.

EDIT: Made his trick and changed his board color
Not bad there Dash. Still can't wait for this to be released. The full version. Just a question that I haven't seen asked, is there gonna be a way to keep a character but change the board like in the normal game? And is anyone working on the babalon Rouge Sprites yet?
Well since Shadow is in, I'll be making my own Rouge sprites, making it a total of 3 Speed and 2 Fly. Omega is just too big, and there isn't a Sonic Riders power character to go with Shadow and Rouge, including Vector.
Dash the Hedgehog said:
_Manic_ said:
Power type? Chuck Norris. ALL THE WAY.

Chuck Norris has nothing to do with sonic. Unless I am mistaken.

I'm Proud to present. ME as the first person to reach the 100th page. Better luck next time Flame/CZ64.
Ahem. Are you sure about that? Chuck Norris is related to everything. *Shot*
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