I still think Tails has a disadvantage compared to Sonic and Knuckles in Match. Sure, he's much more of an option now than before, but he's still the worst choice pretty much. If you go out in the open, you're the obvious easy target and will get hit a lot more than other players. If you hide (which is necessary to actually collect a sizable weapon stack), you get fewer chances to score, especially in the indoor levels. The rogue tactic you mentioned, Mystic, has exactly that problem: You get relatively few chances to score, so you need lots of shooting skill to perform it successfully, and if you get hit during an attack, the only good way to recover is go in hiding again. Sure, a really skilled Tails player can still win and there are sure situations where Tails is the best option, but if you average it out, I think Sonic and Knuckles receive slightly better results.
Making flight easier to handle would definitely solve this problem, but it would break a lot of other gametypes at the same time, most obviously single player and CTF. I really don't know what to do here, but I think it's an issue the dev team should observe a bit and try to come up with concepts. It's not a glaring flaw in game balance, but I would say it's one of the more pressing issues. So in essence, Tails is okay for Match as he is now, but he could use some refinement.
Other interesting observations: The weapon ring popularity. Grenade is not nearly as god-like as thought earlier, in fact only Bounce is less popular (for obvious reasons). I don't think this is a big issue, because both Bounce and Grenade are very situation-dependent, but I sure fond it interesting. I also found it amusing how Rail ranked high both in the "exclusive" and the "dropping" question. Clearly shows how much skill you need to operate this weapon (and this comes from somebody who can't aim shit with that thing). I think the weapon system is fine as it is, even if Bounce and Grenade are quite weak in comparison to the rest.
Race is also an obvious problem. Tails and Knuckles are almost useless, but I don't think that can or needs to be changed. Also, with the revamping of Competitive mode (for the uninformed, the current Classic Race), we have another gametype that I think will grow immensely popular. (By the way, why was there no gametype preference question?) I'm beginning to question if Circuit stages are such a good idea after all. Race is much more interesting on the single player stages, in my opinion, and also more balanced. Then again, the removal of Circuit altogether would cause quite a community backlash. They're not as terrible as Chaos, so I think they should be left in.
Excuse my terribly long post, I just wanted to share my thoughts and play dev for a few minutes ;)