By "More effort", he means "More time to complete effect", "More math used", "More items (linedefs, objects, sectors, etc) needed for effect of realism", and such. I'm currently working on a WAD for a subterranian pit, and it is complete with about 8 light blocks stacked on top of each other, Moving FOFs to simulate rocks moving up and down, VERY deep ORANGE lava that burns, a crusher, a rock that if stood upon falls and gives you rings, and an easy-to-make light effect for a computer that didn't need any tags at all. All in about 2.5 hours. It's not complete, and my webspace isn't allowing downloads (I think), but if anyone wants it in it's current state, then gimme your E-mail and I'll send it to you pronto. Darkhaven3, you might want to take a peek at it and see what makes it tick.