Because it was requested: The n00b translation service returns!
Original text:
"Hello Me Gkwx2 here We are gonna have a fun Netplay event today and tomorow It will be hosted in the room SRB2Fun Ask me ngg or a441 for help It will be soo fun we will chat about the episode of sonic X they show on saterday A straight netgaming Non Stop And rpgs , Dice rolling Scripts Wads More more more Just be there it Will be here When your there your Family"
Fixed spelling:
Hello Me Gkwx2 here We are gonna have a fun Netplay event today and tomorrow It will be hosted in the room SRB2Fun Ask me ngg or a441 for help It will be so fun we will chat about the episode of sonic X they show on saturday A straight netgaming Non Stop And rpgs , Dice rolling Scripts Wads More more more Just be there it Will be here When your there your Family
Fixed grammar:
Hello, this is GKWX2. We are gonna have a fun netplay event today and tomorrow. It will be hosted in #srb2fun. Ask me, NGG or a441 for help. It will be so fun we will chat about the episode of Sonic X they show on Saturday. Netgaming non-stop, RPGs, dice-rolling scripts, wads and more.
(The last sentence does not appear to have any meaning whatsoever, as far as I can tell. At least I can't decipher what it's supposed to mean.)
The basic problem isn't just your spelling, it's the fact that your grammar is non-existant. English has rules that govern how sentences flow, and you aren't following any of them. It makes the post exceedingly painful to read for me, and I'm pretty good at deciphering nonsense posts. Hell, I can't even make out what you're saying in the last sentence there.