The downloadable oggs were higher quality as I remember.
I can see about reuploading them. However, the 1.08 soundtrack's new adds (Green Hill, Red Volcano, Verdant Forest, Aerial Garden) I don't have in the higher quality format.
As for extracting the songs. If you are okay with using a command line program, get LumpMod from and read the included HTML file to figure out how to use it. The syntax should be something very simple, something like "lumpmod music.dta extract O_MAP01M GFZ1.ogg" for GFZ1's music.
If, like many people, you are command line shy, DeePsea will work. You can get it from I believe what you have to do is press F7 and look for something in there that says "examine," "extract," or "export." The downside here is I can't explain exactly what to do with it since I don't remember. While less efficient in this situation, command lines are faster for adding or modifying a single lump, so I usually use them.
You can figure out what music lumps of the form O_MAPxxM correspond to by looking here:
I made that document for a different purpose, obviously, so just pay attention to the list up to 108. Also note that 100-108 on the list correspond to O_MAPA0M through O_MAPA8M.
The O_ lumps are all encoded with Ogg Vorbis, while the D_ lumps are alternate versions as MIDI files.