Hi every one. The SRB2DB is not loading the textures from the IWAD files or what other file I load for the textures. Did I miss a step setting it up or what I need to know. can you help me out plzzz???
Also When I test the level none of the enemies, rings, flowers, etc, they dont apear. And i know how to make water but when i text the level it dose not apear. Also when I do get a texture, when i try to edit and place the texture in 3D mode, I get a runtime error #5 or 6. and the program just shuts off. Im cinda new to the level editing thing and need some advice. So if you be could help me out id be very thank full.
Also When I test the level none of the enemies, rings, flowers, etc, they dont apear. And i know how to make water but when i text the level it dose not apear. Also when I do get a texture, when i try to edit and place the texture in 3D mode, I get a runtime error #5 or 6. and the program just shuts off. Im cinda new to the level editing thing and need some advice. So if you be could help me out id be very thank full.