sr_blueheaven.wad - Blue Heaven SRB2 level pack

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There are no crossed linedefs in Frigid Peak. Doombuilder is erroneously detecting the very closely packed linedefs I use for the deep snow as crossing each other. If you open Mystic Realm and look at Midnight Freeze, you'll find that the same thing happens. If that many linedefs were truly being crossed, I doubt the nodebuilder would succeed in processing Frigid Peak's maps.

Most of the rest of your reports have a similar cause, in that they're related to the use of fake floors for the aforementioned deep snow effect. This is a very recent change (recent in terms of version numbering, I actually did it a couple months ago) so there are going to be glitches. Assuming I can find them, they'll be fixed. It would seriously help if you people could take the time to describe where you're finding these glitches, though. I have a lot of maps to keep track of, and as a result I don't know each area down to the last detail.
Tets said:
Assuming I can find them, they'll be fixed. It would seriously help if you people could take the time to describe where you're finding these glitches, though. I have a lot of maps to keep track of, and as a result I don't know each area down to the last detail.

You know, you could just ask people to turn on DEVMODE when they find a glitchy spot...
In my past experiences with devmode, I've found that the coordinates given don't correspond with anything in any map editor.

Moving on, here's a bonus for anyone else reading the thread. I've always felt that Arid Ruins wasn't all that it could have been, ever since it didn't win that contest last year. So I'm remaking it as a complete two-act zone for Blue Heaven, to be available next release. I now give you a screenshot of some very early work I've been doing on the remake.


It's not particularly impressive right now due to lack of objects and badniks, but it is an indication of progress.
The devmode coordinates correspond to the X/Y coordinates on the map grid in the editor, with the Z and angle corresponding to how high and what trigonometric angle the player was at, respectively.
This may be a bump, but I'm prettys sure it isn't against the rules

It won't work for me, I download it, but there arn't any maps in it, I am downloading it from your site...Whats wrong?

Did you purposly take out all the maps? *Shot*
I'm posting a bit late here, but whatever. I don't know what to say to anyone who can't get the wad, as I downloaded it now and it works fantastically. Any problems can probably be attributed to Sepwich having one of its off days.

Also, some people seem to be under the impression that I've given up working on Blue Heaven. I'm posting to state that the level pack is still unfinished and I have loads of content yet to create, which I do intend to. I'm very slowly progressing toward finishing Arid Ruins and have begun planning for an entirely new zone, Incredible Crisis, an airship based level.

I have no new content as of yet and probably won't for some time. I would estimate the next version to be out some time after the next version of SRB2 itself. Meanwhile you can go to the site and look at the pretty graphics. I even spiffed up the CSS a bit so it looks even better than before.
2 bugs I found while playing this.
1. You can "bounce" off the capsule. What I mean is, I was speed thokking going to the capsule, and I bounced backwards. Tried again speedthokking, and I made it to the top, but I still bounced.
2. When I had more than 6 lives, it said 6. Soon it said I had 7, but I had more than that. At the last stage it was rasing because it was slowed down or something. It left with 10 and I'm sure I had more than 10.

Love the mod!! BIG, HUGE, and GIGANTIC levels. plenty of fun and it is a brain teaser be careful when playing or you might get stuck!!!
I'm going to take advantage of this bump to ask whether this is actually getting anywhere. This was one of the more promising looking mods on here, and it would be a shame if it was canned.
Got that right... it is promising. It has enormous levels. But they are "Brain Teasers." You might get stuck because a lot of the levels end in secret exits or you easily get lost looking. It took me 10 minutes to beat the second level, because they are so well designed. The only thing that gets me down is that those maps are only SINGLE-PLAYER!!!!! If they were multiplayer that would be a great deathmatch arena!!!
mkbullet4you said:
The only thing that gets me down is that those maps are only SINGLE-PLAYER!!!!! If they were multiplayer that would be a great deathmatch arena!!!
It supports race you know, so there is multiplayer.
Mystic said:
I'm going to take advantage of this bump to ask whether this is actually getting anywhere. This was one of the more promising looking mods on here, and it would be a shame if it was canned.

I have a feeling it is more or less canned... I don't think Tets cares about SRB2 as much as he used to. Then again, Other Ops in #srb2fun are feeling the same way too. It would be great if I am wrong about this though. I do want to play some fun mods other than the garbage that this forum seems to get nowadays.
Vanilla SRB2? What Mod is that? I have Mystic Realm but I don't have Vanilla SRB2. Where can I get that? Sounds cool.
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