I've been working on a mod for about half a year now. It's based on my First Person Sniper addon, and features all 3 members of Team Hooligan as playable characters.
Fang is in the vanilla game, and there's an existing addon for Bean, so getting their sprites working was no problem. Bark, though, on the other hand?
Yeah, I'm still using a drawing from the Archie comics as a placeholder for him.
If I'm going to make Bark work as a playable character, I'm going to need some sprites for him. I don't necessarily need all of the sprites for him - the player probably wouldn't be seeing the running and waiting animations that much, the continue screen is unused here, etc. However, I will need a few extra sprites for his moveset - only about five frames, but still.
I'd prefer them to be close enough to SRB2's style to not stand out too much next to Fang and Bean. Since the game is primarily played in first person, the quality isn't a huge deal, but I'd still prefer it to mesh decently with the sprites already in the game.
As for payment, I'm willing to pay for these sprites - I know plenty well how much time and skill is required to make this a reality, otherwise I'd be doing it myself. I'd prefer to discuss the details on Discord, but I will state upfront that I don't have the funds on me just yet.
I also plan to have the Jackal Squad as bosses, including Zero/Infinite, which may require more sprites. I'm not sure about what I'll do about that just yet - I might just use prerenders if I can find models of them somewhere - but if I do end up using SRB2-style sprites for them, I may ask the same person who does the sprites for Bark to do that.
Fang is in the vanilla game, and there's an existing addon for Bean, so getting their sprites working was no problem. Bark, though, on the other hand?
If I'm going to make Bark work as a playable character, I'm going to need some sprites for him. I don't necessarily need all of the sprites for him - the player probably wouldn't be seeing the running and waiting animations that much, the continue screen is unused here, etc. However, I will need a few extra sprites for his moveset - only about five frames, but still.
I'd prefer them to be close enough to SRB2's style to not stand out too much next to Fang and Bean. Since the game is primarily played in first person, the quality isn't a huge deal, but I'd still prefer it to mesh decently with the sprites already in the game.
As for payment, I'm willing to pay for these sprites - I know plenty well how much time and skill is required to make this a reality, otherwise I'd be doing it myself. I'd prefer to discuss the details on Discord, but I will state upfront that I don't have the funds on me just yet.
I also plan to have the Jackal Squad as bosses, including Zero/Infinite, which may require more sprites. I'm not sure about what I'll do about that just yet - I might just use prerenders if I can find models of them somewhere - but if I do end up using SRB2-style sprites for them, I may ask the same person who does the sprites for Bark to do that.