The Blue Panther said:Ok, KoolK. Do you want to do Spriting? I challenge you to sprite Blue. =P
Here are some pictures to you.
The gun is an auxiliar weapon instead of the crowbar, or in most cases He never uses it =P
Whats with this one... well... This superform returned to be an insane form
Don`t Stay close of this insane form. XP
If you want to make a rider version, well, here it is.
And, Blue Never Smiles. :P
Good Luck!
Erik the Red said:why don't you just make another sonic character wad?
there are plenty that haven't been done, and Bean would be cool.
Fang would be a great eggman replacement.
Or maybe a worthwhile Cream? Big just because?
How about Rouge?
Or some other obscure sonic rip-off, like Bubsy, or Acrobat.
Sparkster? Ristar would be amazing, easy enough to sprite I guess (just a black sphere with a star face) but if you could give him ristar's abilities...
I mean, not to disrespect anybody, but most of these avatars are just recolors.
Stop doing that, for the love of god. It's painful to read