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Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

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At this point, its fair to assume this thread will be locked
Someone's probably making a discord probably for us to commune there, Some poor sucker might get banned if they do so period, So to all of you X-Heads who ACTUALLY stayed on topic, If this thread gets locked up, I wish you all good luck, As we won't be able to speculate or ask questions anymore. To those who uselessly flooded the thread, Oh well.
with all due respect.... there is something called the OFFTOPIC THREADS..
why are you guys talking about the most offtopic things here.
and one of you would be like "oh no we talk on topic here. and ask when the mod comes out 🤓 ☝️" example :-
To be honest All I see in these almost 4,000 messages is either something completely offtopic. or asking when the mod comes out,
Guys do you not understand what a WIP page is... its for the developer to showcase his work and discus his work with others who are intersted. not make a thread for people to come here for no reason and talk about the most offtopic things

I swear some people never understand how much time passionate projects like this really take. bro I Make mods I understand this..
this page isn't open for people to just say random things. its for people to discus a project and help with its development with it

You should understand that and not ask when it comes out. to be honest this is just a char pack. you really don't need to stay on your toes at all time. its not going to change anything in the game's core. sure we would have a FUN SONIC TO PLAY WITH YAY but really dude... stop it.. get some help
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also... I'm not trying to be a hater but its true... its just an SRB2 mod after all. you have your fun with it. then its over
to be honest this is just a char pack. you really don't need to stay on your toes at all time. its not going to change anything in the game's core. sure we would have a FUN SONIC TO PLAY WITH YAY but really dude... stop it.. get some help
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don't get me wrong the sonic X mod really seems like an amazing mod and I have my respects for it
also... I'm trying to be a hater but its true... its just an SRB2 mod after all. you have your fun with it. then its over
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It's an SRB2 mod, it won't kill you to wait will it? Just have some patience and wait for it. BlueBlur is spending time working on this mod, he doesn't HAVE to finish it. Find something else to do in the meantime, and also you spelled wrong (yes the word), mod, and release incorrectly kid.
It is an SRB2 mod it won't kill you to wait will it? Just have some patience and wait for it. BlueBlur is spending time working on this mod, he doesn't HAVE to finish it. Find something else to do in the meantime, and also you spelled wrong, mod, and release incorrectly kid.
Slick I appreciate you standing with me but again lets shut it so this becomes only for the project's development
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plus who care if the kid learns or nah, bro is getting banned so he will 100% learn his lesson
if i’m not mistaken, mods take time to make (i should know, cheeseboi’s major update has taken almost 2 years) so, maybe learn to FRICKING WAIT, and stop acting like a LITERAL 4 YEAR OLD crying because there parents won’t get them candy.
Many people in the SRB2 Discord servers know this already, but I'm making Sonic X for SRB2. I hope everyone here is excited for him as much as I am!
THATS AMAZING CANT WAIT WHAT TO DAY TO IT RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bumping YET AGAIN, man I love my job.
Alright, so, seeing the state the thread's in, I decided it'd probably be good to collate all the info BlueBlur has put out about X Sonic so far. Unbury all of it, so to say. As a disclaimer, I have nothing to do with BlueBlur or the mod's development. I just think this would be a good thing to do. So here we go:

First and foremost, X Sonic will be releasing sometime in 2024. Not March, not April, not May or June or July. Just Sometime. Do not ask for anything more specific. Do not pester BlueBlur about it- or about anything else, in fact. Keep in mind he and GoldenShine are working on the mod in their free time, for fun- and to bring fun to all of you- unpaid. Be grateful it exists at all, be patient, wait, and chill with the rampant speculation and questions. You're only burying the actual info behind pages and pages of essentially nothing, as it is, which only makes people ask more unneeded questions. Go do something else, play with Adventure Sonic or SMS or something. Play SRB2 instead of asking questions that won't get answered!

With that out of the way, here's the trailer.
Snap Dive is X Sonic's Jump ability, a homing attack allowing him to bound off enemies, projectiles, and certain other objects like checkpoints. If you fall a large distance before using it, you'll get a proportionally large bounce upward.
Zip Dash is X Sonic's grounded Spin ability, and can also be used via Custom 1. In function, it's like an instant spindash with a drift button. On releasing Spin, X Sonic blasts off at a top speed run, and will spin through any badnik in his way, but you sacrifice most directional control while running, like a normal SRB2 spindash. Hold Spin/Custom 1 and you'll go into the drifting state, allowing you to realign yourself and travel in a new direction on release. You can also tap Spin/Custom 1 to make quicker redirects. If you jump out of a Zip Dash, you'll launch off before slowing down mid-air and exiting Zip Dash state. The Zip Dash is also capable of breaking spikes, and lets X Sonic run on water.
Wall Running happens automatically when X Sonic does a Zip Dash, then jumps at a wall. He'll go further up the faster he was travelling beforehand, and you can jump off whenever you like. You can also use this to climb trees, and you can chain Wall Runs between multiple walls.
The Sonic Kick is the main 'combat' ability of X Sonic. It's used by initiating a Snap Dive with Jump, then pressing Spin before landing it. It can be used to reflect projectiles and break spikes.
Ring Burst is performed by holding Spin in midair- assuming you have sufficient rings. It consumes rings in order to allow you to practically fly across the act at high speed, destroying anything in your way. If you don't have rings, you can't do it.
X Sonic will have rail grinding sprites. For what exactly, BlueBlur hasn't specified. I know of certain mods that put them to use, but if they'll be used within X Sonic standalone is unknown.
X Sonic will have voice acting. You can choose between his English VA, Jason Griffith, and his Japanese VA, Jun'ichi Kanemaru.
X Sonic comes with a custom color called "Sonniku". He'll come with other colors, all with names based on Japanese ones.
When X Sonic goes Super, he'll be able to fly, and his theme will be Sonic Drive. BlueBlur hasn't released any other info about the form's unique points.
As of present, BlueBlur has not confirmed the inclusion- or exclusion- of Dark Sonic. One sprite from a few years ago exists. Nothing else is known, and most likely you'll have to wait until the character is done to find out if the form exists within the mod at all.

The unique map shown briefly in the X Sonic trailer is known as Infiltration Fortress, being based on Eggman's base from the first episode of Sonic X. BlueBlur stated he didn't know if it would be part of X Sonic, or released separately, but he did say he wants to put it out at some point, at least.

BlueBlur has mentioned wanting to do 'something' for Nazo in the mod, but he doesn't know what, and that it'd have to be in a later update.

X Sonic won't have SRB2Persona support provided by BlueBlur or GoldenShine- BlueBlur did say he'd do art for it if someone did want to make it, though.

At the start of the year, X Sonic was approximated at 75-80% complete. At the start of February, BlueBlur said he was nearly finished with all of X Sonic's sprites, though he also mentioned progress was "kind of slow". Keep in mind that there's still no specific release date beyond "this year", and refrain from asking for a specific release date.
BlueBlur has also kept quiet since the start of February. Don't expect to hear from him before the mod's complete. Whether he does say more before then is up to him, though.

I think that's all of the relevant info BlueBlur's released. If I missed something, feel free to mention it- or check BlueBlur's message history yourself, like I did, to get the details straight from the source. Elsewise, I agree it'd be best to let the thread rest now. If you keep speculating and asking about whatever, you'll just bury the actual info people might be looking for again!
They most likely misinterpreted my words. What I meant was, X Sonic has no specific release date beyond "2024." It could come out today... and it could come out December 31st. None of us know and I personally doubt BlueBlur and Golden Shine have got more than a loose projection of when. Ergo, be patient rather than asking about it nonstop. A more specific answer does not exist.
your back must really hurt from carrying this thread so much. anyways, im wondering what his base speed will be. im thinking maybe a little faster than adventure sonic
I Know I'm not helping the thread by posting this. But I'm going to do my final post on here. (for real this time)

First I want to talk about the state of the thread. (Original I know.)
This has to be the funniest thing seeing everyone get pissed off by some random (most likely underaged user), and calling him out instead of just doing the easy thing of just ignoring him and reporting.

And then thinking they are "Helping" the thread and being "respectful", by saying That this is a passionate project and this is unfair to BlueBlur. And a lot of time gets put into these mods.
AND that's 100% true. I think its amazing that the sonic community will team together to make things better than a multi-million dollar company can do.
Bumping YET AGAIN, man I love my job.
But Like this guy. This is not helping, Like you said to me kirbymania. "Its just not worth it." when I made a post reguarding the SAME thing that's keeps repeating itself here. Stop mindlessly bumping that post. Its not going to repel little kids from being little kids. and/or impatient people.

Let the mods do their damn job. If you want to truly help use the Fucking report button.

I know people will just read this, completely forget this entire post, and than do the same thing that's been repeating the flooding if this thread.
But I really don't care anymore. I just think this is the funniest thread on a sonic related thing that I've ever seen.
If I were BlueBlur seeing this, I would laugh my ass of seeing kids lose their minds over such a minor overall thing in their lives.

One last thing If you guys really aren't sure about dark sonic not being in the mod. BlueBlur has literaly shown beta sprites on discord 2 months
ago. (Edit:Blur said dark is NOT final and will look different.) . Here's and image:

( "Last one was just for fun" - BlurBlur )

"That's about it, cya."
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I Know I'm not helping the thread by posting this. But I'm going to do my final post on here. (for real this time)

First I want to talk about the state of the thread. (Original I know.)
This has to be the funniest thing seeing everyone get pissed off by some random (most likely underaged user), and calling him out instead of just doing the easy thing of just ignoring him and reporting.

And then thinking they are "Helping" the thread and being "respectful", by saying That this is a passionate project and this is unfair to BlueBlur. And a lot of time gets put into these mods.
AND that's 100% true. I think its amazing that the sonic community will team together to make things better than a multi-million dollar company can do.

But Like this guy. This is not helping, Like you said to me kirbymania. "Its just not worth it." when I made a post reguarding the SAME thing that's keeps repeating itself here. Stop mindlessly bumping that post. Its not going to repel little kids from being little kids. and/or impatient people.

Let the mods do their damn job. If you want to truly help use the Fucking report button.

I know people will just read this, completely forget this entire post, and than do the same thing that's been repeating the flooding if this thread.
But I really don't care anymore. I just think this is the funniest thread on a sonic related thing that I've ever seen.
If I were BlueBlur seeing this, I would laugh my ass of seeing kids lose their minds over such a minor overall thing in their lives.

One last thing If you guys really aren't sure about dark sonic not being in the mod. BlueBlur has literaly shown beta sprites on discord 2 months
ago. He said they aren't final. Here's and image:
View attachment 114773
( "Last one was just for fun" - BlurBlur )

"That's about it, cya."
I agree with a lot of this (even if they way it was written it kind of feels aggressive at times) and why myself try my best to just check on the thread and not talk actively here too, but since I'm one of those people who ""think who's helping by responding and not reporting"" I wanted to make myself clear on why I did so, since i probably did it for a slightly different reasons then most

1. I was genuinely unsure if that was a troll post (it honestly sounded like one), and i wanted to throw out that option

2. I wanted to help out the person understand why it was not ok since they seem pretty new to the site as a whole and I rather it not be escalated to Moderator level stuff from the get go (even if that could be seen as "back seat moderating"). Not that it matters now as said person has seem to have realized their mistake and asked for forgiveness and promises to not do it again (which they promptly were forgiven)
3. I saw the og post before everyone jumped on the subject (there was like ONE other guy at the time) and even if it did get more then it probably should have, i saw no reason not too- since i don't talk here often

I would suggest maybe cooling off a little? despite you saying "funniest thing for a sonic thread you've seen" it honestly felt more like anger then anything else? and I wanted to ask (even not directly here) if thats somewhat a issue here? "If I were BlueBlur seeing this, I would laugh my ass of seeing kids lose their minds over such a minor overall thing in their lives." really rubbed me the wrong way for it NOT to be just a simple post, at times when i read it, it felt like you cared more than we did (as much as little i personally did, its standard MB fair at this point) and I feel like thats a bit concerning, I know you may not read this and I dont wanna make it sound rude in return, I just wanna make sure your okay? feels a bit weird to see something like that for a WIP thread

I myself will probably say "this will be my final post for this thread" but I can't promise that- all I'll say now is I hope this thread can rest peacefully now and I hope this explosion of conversation doesn't repeat itself when the mod eventually does release. that's all and I wish you all luck if this thread trends along further (I'm open to responding to this message if need be). Thank you all and Ciao! (now.. I need some sleep 😴)
I Know I'm not helping the thread by posting this. But I'm going to do my final post on here. (for real this time)

First I want to talk about the state of the thread. (Original I know.)
This has to be the funniest thing seeing everyone get pissed off by some random (most likely underaged user), and calling him out instead of just doing the easy thing of just ignoring him and reporting.

And then thinking they are "Helping" the thread and being "respectful", by saying That this is a passionate project and this is unfair to BlueBlur. And a lot of time gets put into these mods.
AND that's 100% true. I think its amazing that the sonic community will team together to make things better than a multi-million dollar company can do.

But Like this guy. This is not helping, Like you said to me kirbymania. "Its just not worth it." when I made a post reguarding the SAME thing that's keeps repeating itself here. Stop mindlessly bumping that post. Its not going to repel little kids from being little kids. and/or impatient people.

Let the mods do their damn job. If you want to truly help use the Fucking report button.

I know people will just read this, completely forget this entire post, and than do the same thing that's been repeating the flooding if this thread.
But I really don't care anymore. I just think this is the funniest thread on a sonic related thing that I've ever seen.
If I were BlueBlur seeing this, I would laugh my ass of seeing kids lose their minds over such a minor overall thing in their lives.

One last thing If you guys really aren't sure about dark sonic not being in the mod. BlueBlur has literaly shown beta sprites on discord 2 months
ago. He said they aren't final. Here's and image:
View attachment 114773
( "Last one was just for fun" - BlurBlur )

"That's about it, cya."
oooh this is an interesting color change from the concept he showed off a while ago.


  • darksonicanimate.gif
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I'll just make a basic response most of you probably already know.

For those of you wondering why it's "taking so long" if you were in the discord, you'd know about what Blur has been up to.

To recap:

Blur has spent some of his free time making other sprites of other characters (yes, he's been adding some more, small tweaks to X-Sonic's sprites too) and he's been taking the time he needs.

Please, and for the love of god, stop, begging for this mod to come out.
He's taking the time he needs, and quick reminder:

He's making these sprites in his free time, not on his computer 24/7 making sprites just for you beggars to see.

I am sorry if this post comes across as aggressive or mean, but I cannot stand seeing the endless whining on a W.I.P thread related to sonic the hedgehog of all things...
Imma just stop searching up the mod so I can forget about it until it releases I will see you all when the mod comes out and for the love of God STOP BEGGING FOR THE MOD TO COME OUT BLUE BLUR DOES THIS ON HIS FREE TIME (assuming he has any cause he has a personal life) and if you ever see trolls either let the administration team do their job or USE THE FUCKING REPORT BUTTON BLUE BLUR HAS A PERSONAL LIFE AND HOPEFULLY YALL DO TO GO OUTSIDE TALK TO FAMILY OR HELL GO REPLAY SOME SONIC GAMES INSTEAD OF MEAT RIDING BLUE BLUR TO KINGDOM COME alright thats all peace out
But Like this guy. This is not helping, Like you said to me kirbymania. "Its just not worth it." when I made a post reguarding the SAME thing that's keeps repeating itself here. Stop mindlessly bumping that post. Its not going to repel little kids from being little kids. and/or impatient people.
Well exuuuuuuse me, what I'm doing is nothing like what you did, you were justing one question at a time while I am providing a post that answers most if not all of the questions people are bound to have. And I'm not gonna report people for asking questions about a mod so please slow your roll, it's just a wip thread dude.
god dam it... guys are you kids.. lets all stop that.
Well exuuuuuuse me, what I'm doing is nothing like what you did, you were justing one question at a time while I am providing a post that answers most if not all of the questions people are bound to have. And I'm not gonna report people for asking questions about a mod so please slow your roll, it's just a wip thread dude.
also kirby mania I don't see you discussing the problem.. you just link us to what RedLilyQueen says.
you kinda dont discus the main problem area when someone asks about the mod's release. sure it explains about it and talks about not annoying the devs. which I understand but dont you think its better to discuss a problem rather then linking them to a post.. sure its good and its nice that you are doin that, but really I think discussing a problem is WAY better then linking to a post

and dont start drama with MrBoingBD really you should stop bumping that post each time you get the chance. instead discus the problem. I really see nothing but spaming in your messages. not that I am saying that you are wrong and he is right, I am saying that its useless to start an argument you are better then this.

and again if you want to solve a problem. discuss it. don't bring that post again thinking its going to fix anything. and if you want to talk to MrBoingBD talk to him in private and solve your non needed drama with him if you wanna start one

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also forgive me if this is somewhat oftopic. but unlike Kirby Mania I'm trying to discuss the problem and solve it nicely rather then linking someone to a post..
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Well exuuuuuuse me, what I'm doing is nothing like what you did, you were justing one question at a time while I am providing a post that answers most if not all of the questions people are bound to have. And I'm not gonna report people for asking questions about a mod so please slow your roll, it's just a wip thread dude.
and again sure the post is going to solve SOME, problems, but understanding that some people can never understand whats going on really makes you understand that a simple post can almost never fix all problems like this.
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