Oh and by the way, That was a info of NOT-TO-MAKE-RECOLORS-BUT-MAKE-FAN-CHARACTERS-INSTEAD!!!
If you want to make a decent design, the best way to start is by not basing it on Sonic. Just because this isn't the literal meaning of "recolored", doesn't makes the design any less unoriginal. In fact, it made it even worse. You need to know what you are going to do with a design, instead of just different hair. Don't do it for the sake of "See? It's different", because differentiated design feature doesn't always equals good looking. I could make some baby scribbles on Sonic's head and then call it a decent design because it looks different, couldn't I? No, because it wouldn't look good at all.
You can't just hide that you've taken Sonic's design for a base with some crazy hair on it, you have to know what would be good looking as well, and putting clothes on your character doesn't helps it being any different from Sonic either, specially if you're just going to slap a shirt and some jeans in it. May you know that this is not an insult to your spriting skill, because that's actually irrelevant, but really to your idea of creating a fan character. Don't use Sonic, just don't. That's why people call it a recolor, to begin with, and any differences you try to add would be too subtle for anyone to care about, because in the end, it would still be a different colored Sonic with clothes and different hair.
My friendly advice in here, if you want to create a fan character... don't. Just don't. Practice your designing by drawing anything else that is not a hedgehog. If you can only see yourself inspiring your characters on few Sonic designs, that's okay, a little bit of inspiration for designs is not always a bad thing, but just don't base it completely out of Sonic, you'll get nowhere making yet another hedgehog. Or fox. Or echidna. Or anything that looks too similar to a Sonic character. I might as well say you could find more design inspirations instead of just Sonic too. Even if you are making it for SRB2, it would still be a decent idea to make it more distinct compared to other characters.