Sonic Mars - July 4th Early
Howdy Folks! Welcome to the first beta release of Sonic Mars. I created a new topic because the discussion in the old one was mostly related to scrapped material. Keep in mind that this is an early prototype and many maps are incomplete or non-existent. I made a list to help guide you. Map completness is rated either Good, Bad, Ugly, or Non-Existent. Bosses are greatly incomplete, please don't bother me about them. Special thanks to Roy(Testing), Blade(Sprites), and Scizor300(Textures). Music tracks for maps 7, 8, and 10 are by Christian Senn. The title screen music is an instrumental recording of The Star-Spangled Banner by the United States Marine Corps band, 1953 from the Library of Congress.
Next Release
- MAP01 - Quartz Cove 1 - Bad (Good in next Beta)
- MAP02 - Quartz Cove 2 - Non existent
- MAP03 - Quartz Cove 3 - Bad (Possibly fixed by next Beta)
- MAP04 - King's Gambit 1 - Good (Currently being revamped)
- MAP05 - King's Gambit 2 - Bad(Working on it...)
- MAP06 - King's Gambit 3 - Bad(Not a priority right now)
- MAP07 - Blue Ocean 1 - Bad(Right path should be done by 2nd beta)
- MAP08 - Blue Ocean 2 - Bad
- MAP09 - Blue Ocean 3 -Non existent
- MAP10 - Ice Breaker 1 - Excellent
- MAP11 - Ice Breaker 2 - Non existent
- MAP12 - Ice Breaker 3 - Ugly
- MAP13 - Akira Canyon 1 - Non existent (May be in next beta)
- MAP14 - Akira Canyon 2 - Non existent (Will be in next beta)
- MAP15 - Akira Canyon 3 - Non existent
- MAP16 - Sparkling Cider 1 - Non existent
- MAP17 - Sparkling Cider 2 - Non existent
- MAP18 - Sparkling Cider 3 - Non existent
- MAP19 - Secret!
- MAP20 - Secret!
- MAP21 - Secret!
- MAP40 - Sand Gully - Non existent
- MAP41 - Botanic Base - Non existent
- MAP42 - Cydonia - Non existent
- MAP43 - TBD
- MAP44 - TBD
- MAP45 - TBD
- MAP57(Will be moved to 45) - Vuvuzela Volcano - Bad
- MAP?? - Moon Base - (This circuit map is done but not released yet)
Moderator Notice:
Editing beta period expired, link removed
Next Release
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